Your Birth ChartYour ReportGlossary

Ultimate Love Report

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces123456789101112ASC 13°IC 28°DC 13°MC 28°28°Sun28°Moon16°Chiron ℞19°Mercury19°VenusMars28°JupiterSaturn24°Uranus20°Neptune21°Pluto16°N. Node ℞16°S. Node ℞

Kim Kardashian

October 21, 1980 10:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA




Your birth chart is basically a snapshot of the sky at the time and place you were born. The horizontal line in the middle represents the horizon, so all the planets above it were in the sky if you looked up at that moment, and all the ones below it were underneath your feet.

In Astrology, the sky is like a mirror that reflects what’s happening down here on earth. By taking a closer look at where all the planets are in your chart and how they relate to one another, you can gain deeper insight into who you are, and more importantly, where you’re going.

Planetary Positions

PlanetSignMotionSunLibra𝐃MoonPisces𝐃􏿴AscendantSagittariusMercuryScorpio𝐃VenusVirgo𝐃MarsSagittarius𝐃JupiterVirgo𝐃SaturnLibra𝐃UranusScorpio𝐃NeptuneSagittarius𝐃PlutoLibra𝐃N. NodeLeoChironTaurus



Major Aspects

AspectDegreeSun Conjunction Pluto+6° 30'Sun Sextile Neptune-7° 53'Moon Opposition Jupiter-0° 42'Moon Opposition Midheaven-0° 17'Moon Trine Uranus+3° 57'Moon Opposition Saturn-5° 31'Moon Square Neptune+7° 34'Mercury Sextile Venus+0° 11'Mercury Conjunction Uranus+4° 24'Mercury Opposition Chiron-2° 57'Venus Square Neptune+0° 58'Venus Sextile Uranus+4° 35'Venus Trine Chiron+2° 45'Venus Square Ascendant-5° 52'Mars Sextile Saturn+3° 07'Mars Conjunction Ascendant+6° 55'Jupiter Conjunction Midheaven+0° 25'Jupiter Conjunction Saturn+4° 49'Jupiter Sextile Uranus-4° 39'Saturn Conjunction Midheaven+5° 14'Uranus Sextile Midheaven-4° 14'Neptune Sextile Pluto-1° 23'Neptune Conjunction Ascendant+6° 51'N. Node Trine Ascendant-2° 32'Chiron Square N. Node-0° 33'

Aspect Key


House Positions

HouseSignDegreeAscendantSagittarius13° 44'2nd HouseCapricorn16° 23'3rd HouseAquarius23° 02'Imum CoeliPisces28° 27'5th HouseAries28° 06'6th HouseTaurus22° 21'DescendantGemini13° 44'8th HouseCancer16° 23'9th HouseLeo23° 02'MidheavenVirgo28° 27'11th HouseLibra28° 06'12th HouseScorpio22° 21'

Your Love Personality

When it comes to love, what’s your type? Whether you’ve got a 10-page list of qualities you look for in a partner or just a vague idea of the person you want, everyone has their preferences. Venus, the planet of love, can tell you everything you need to know about why certain people catch your eye while others leave you yawning. What are you ultimately seeking in relationships? And what challenges get in your way? Here, we’ll look at what Venus is up to in your birth chart, as well as what’s going on in your 7th House of Relationships. When you’re done, you’ll know exactly what to look for in an ideal mate.

Venus in Virgo

♀ ♍

No one’s perfect, but you’re not going to give up trying! Your desire to help others with no thought of payback is what makes you such a selfless lover. You need to be recognized as a giving individual in order to feel appreciated. Yet, if your insecurities are running high, you might give and give until you don’t have anything left. News flash -- being a martyr is not going to get rid of your fears of not being good enough for someone else. Look, you probably can’t help but analyze relationships and dissect them down to the last detail. You crave someone who is also willing to put in the work of making the relationship better. But even though you love a fixer-upper, at some point, you need to accept the other person as they are and quit trying to change the drapes. If you can’t, you’ll become their worst critic. Your ideal partner is likely practical, highly skilled, and down to earth. Even though you love a shared calendar, your challenge is to rise above the day-to-day experiences that reduce romantic magic down to a boring routine. You render great service to yourself and your partner by letting the little things go.

Venus in 9th House of Expansion

♀ Ⅸ

When it comes to your romantic life, it’s all about the journey, not the destination. While this motto will get you far, that doesn’t mean you’ll stay wherever you end up. Hey, love is an adventure! Who has time to settle down? You love meeting people from different cultures or faraway places that expand your perception of the world. You’re probably even attracted to folks who feel exotic to you. When things start to get serious, though, you’re really good at putting distance between your finger and a ring. In order for your relationship to thrive, it must feel exciting and freeing or else you’ll be tempted to move on to the next one. It’d do you good to find a co-pilot who mirrors the wild spirit you possess. But keep in mind, it’s not solely physical travel that tickles your fancy -- journeys of the mind are just as stimulating for you. You feel most at home around people who enjoy a good bit of philosophical debate and spiritual exploration. As a result, you may be attracted to someone who is a mentor, teacher, or guide for you in some way. You can expect those roles to be reversed, though, since you know a thing or two about the world yourself.

Venus Sextile Mercury

☿ ⚹ ♀

No matter how heated a conversation may get, you’re not one for hurtful words or crass insults. The sextile between Mercury and Venus reflects your commitment to loving language. What’s the point in saying the most cutting thing you can think of just to win an argument? Your level head makes you a fantastic mediator or diplomat. But in some situations, you might prioritize tact over needed honesty. Too much tension in a room can wear you down, so be sure to schedule time to relax and get back to your center -- you can’t solve everyone’s problems.

Venus Square Neptune

♀ □ ♆

Are you the person at the dinner table who always gives someone else the last slice of pie? You may think your needs must come last if others are to love you. As a result, you’re good at playing the chameleon, changing forms to fit the wants of those around you. These sacrificial tendencies can prevent you from seeing people as they really are. However, lasting partnerships require illusions to be set aside. So, what do you need? Asking this question might feel selfish, but it can actually be quite selfless. You’re here to learn that putting yourself first sometimes is a noble act indeed.

Venus Sextile Uranus

♀ ⚹ ♅

You trendsetter, you! Life is a blank canvas, and you’re not here to color between the lines. You have an innate knowledge that what makes you different is a strength, not a weakness, and this makes others feel very comfortable around you. You understand that partnerships are creative processes that shouldn't be limited by the rules or traditions of the past. You need open-minded people who are willing to explore and invent new possibilities with you. Many people will come in and out of your life like waves in the ocean. And while you’re at ease with this, don’t be so detached that you don’t fight for someone worthwhile to stay.

Venus Trine Chiron

♀ △ ⚷

You’ve had a few scrapes and bruises in the relationship department, but that’s not going to keep you down. A trine between Chiron and Venus signals you’ve had your fair share of hiccups, but they just make you stronger and more resilient. Your experience gives you an ability to empathize with others and offer them healing by simply understanding where they’re coming from. While you should be careful not to become your partner’s therapist, you’re never more turned on than when you inspire them to grow and see themself in a whole new light.

Venus Square Ascendant

♀ □ 􏿴

You’re so much more than your good looks, but you may doubt that sometimes. The inner conflict you experience makes sense -- how can you give yourself to a relationship when you don’t even know who you are yet? At some point, though, you might realize that love doesn’t require perfection. You’re a work-in-progress, but who isn’t?! It’s entirely possible that a vital part of your development will come through caring for another person… and allowing yourself to receive their care in return. Give yourself the chance to learn lessons only the romantic realm can offer.

Gemini on the 7th House Cusp of Relationships

􏿶 ♊

What you need in love is a true meeting of the minds! A shy person will never do. You crave a bond where you can communicate, debate, and match each other’s intellect. This kind of sparring isn’t for everyone -- plenty of people might be intimidated by your mental prowess, not understanding that you’re actually just looking for someone who can get on your level. You love meeting new people, since relationships are avenues for exploration and learning. This makes you fall for the scattered and distracted type, though. Don’t give your heart away to someone who doesn’t think about you first.

Venus Direct

♀ 𝐃

It’s smooth sailing for your love life -- okay fine, maybe that’s not true. Things can get rocky now and then, and you’re not exactly immune to getting seasick, but you’re probably not going to get lost at sea or anything! With Venus moving direct, you’ve got a relatively clear view of what you want in relationships. And while there might be some other aspects in your birth chart that muddy the waters, your ship is moving forward, even if you have no idea where you’re headed. Who needs a map or a compass when you’ve got a heart to follow?

Your Love Language

Now let’s talk about your love language. Maybe you use words of affirmation to show someone you care. Or perhaps you do so nonverbally through physical touch. Everyone has their own unique way of expressing the L word, and understanding your communication style can help you do so without it being so terrifying. In your birth chart, Mercury reveals how you communicate, while the Moon has a lot to say about how you nurture others and what helps you feel emotionally supported. Here, you can explore these astrological placements, along with what’s happening in your 3rd House of Communication. The revelations might just leave you speechless!

Mercury in Scorpio

☿ ♏

Let’s get to the bottom of this -- oh wait, you already have! You’re on a mission to get to the truth, and if someone is not able to meet you there, you’ll be plagued with jealousy and suspicion. When you want someone, there’s no doubt in your mind about it. You might even obsess over them until they’re yours. But it’s not about the chase, you just want to connect on a soul level. Anything is else a bore. Although you want to know everything and anything about your lover, you prefer to maintain an air of mystery for yourself. You often show your affection through physical intimacy, and have no issue creating enough sexual tension be cut through with a knife. Even a glance and a slight lift of the eyebrow is enough to put someone under your spell.

Moon in Pisces

☽ ♓

Words are woefully inadequate to express the depths of your love. You seek a spiritual connection that dissolves all boundaries. Nothing less than a merging of souls will do. You'll feel most loved by those who also recognize the sweet agony of the human condition and who seek to feel connected to something larger. Someone who gently welcomes all your big feelings and then reminds you of the beauty in them is a keeper. If they can cry with you at the movies, sing you out-of-tune love songs, or lay in the grass and play the cloud game, then you’ll be hopelessly devoted.

Mercury Conjunct Uranus

☿ ☌ ♅

Your brilliant ideas appear right out of thin air. Some may even perceive you as psychic, since your intuitive antennae are highly attuned. Exciting, influential, and incredibly clever, your nature is truly one-of-a-kind. Your eccentric ways of thinking aren't always easy for others to follow, though. When Mercury is conjunct Uranus, your communication style can be a bit erratic and disruptive. If you’re not on the same page as someone else, it’s probably because you’ve already moved on to the next chapter. Slow down and wait for them to catch up.

Aquarius on the 3rd House Cusp of Communication

Ⅲ ♒

Where did you get all those brilliant ideas? Your mind operates on a different frequency than most, causing certain messages to be lost in translation. Not everyone thinks outside of the box like you do. Most people don’t even know there’s a box to begin with! You play an essential role in sharing new concepts. But when others are not able to keep up, remember that not everyone has the capacity to meet your standards or even shares your vision. We are all fallible humans, after all. Find a partner who thinks differently like you do. If you keep shooting for the stars, maybe you’ll end up hitting the moon.

Mercury Direct

☿ 𝐃

While there are many other aspects in your chart that can inhibit your ability to express yourself, luckily for you, the planet of communication is moving full speed ahead. Unlike those with Mercury Retrograde, who are prone to trip over their words or might be unable to talk the talk, your thoughts roll off your tongue with greater ease. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a confident speaker or that your ideas make any sense for that matter (you’ll have to see what else Mercury is up to in your chart to find that out). But with Mercury moving forward, you’ve got words and you know how to use them.

Your Desires in Love

What really gets you going? Mars, the planet of sex, passion, and action, has a lot to say about how you use your energy. By understanding the nuances of how you assert yourself in the world and what motivates you to do so, you can learn a lot about your approach to sex and romance. So, what does it take to turn you on? It’s time to find out. Here, we’ll look at what Mars is up to in your birth chart, as well as what’s happening in your 5th House of Romance and your 8th House of Intimacy. Warning: it’s about to get hot in here.

Mars in Sagittarius

♂ ♐

When it comes time to fight or flight, you’re already out the door, but that doesn’t mean you won’t stand up for your views and values. There's nothing like a passionate debate to inspire you to take up arms. You believe in a higher calling, which is why your morals and integrity matter so much. Lies and dishonesty offend you on a level that goes way beyond personal offense -- it may feel like an offense against the very order of things. However, others will have their own beliefs about the world, and they aren't necessarily wrong just because they differ from yours. Try not to let your confidence turn into self-righteousness. If the conversation gets too serious, you’ll be running for the hills. Don’t be fooled, you’re a jokester at heart! Your optimism and humor make it hard not to love you. Thus, you’re probably used to getting your way most of the time. That attitude is not going to work so well in romantic relationships. Watch your selfish tendencies, and try to put your lover’s needs before yours once in a while. Your eagerness for excitement can make you somewhat impatient. At the end of the day, you just want to have fun. Sex is how adults play! If someone can joke with you in bed, then you’ll both be rolling on the floor laughing.

Mars in 12th House of Dreams

♂ Ⅻ

Hiding under the covers isn’t the best solution to your problems. If you struggle asserting yourself in the world, you might be tempted to isolate yourself from others. It’s important to connect with people who honor your need for alone time while also providing you with the safety to come out and play. You would benefit from letting go of any beliefs that you have around being needy. Your desire to connect and be supported by others is natural. Be careful not to fall into old patterns of making yourself a victim. While you may be quick to surrender to fate, don’t forget the power of free will. With your pure heart and forgiving nature, you’re often ready to throw in the towel before you even make it into the ring. Your compassionate spirit makes you incredibly attractive, but sometimes you need to balance empathy with the ability to stand up for yourself. Healthy aggression might sound like an oxymoron to a pacifist like you, but it’s necessary if you’re going to have successful relationships. Being selfless isn’t always the best route. Let your bedroom be the safe container for you to unleash the wild animal inside. You have quite the imagination that is ready to be activated. In fact, the way you live your life is innately creative. Bring your dreams to reality, even if it’s just in the form of role play.

Mars Sextile Saturn

♂ ⚹ ♄

No need to call for backup. You're blessed with energy reserves that you can call on to get the job done. It’s not the type of energy that tends to rush and cut corners just to finish. You have a determination and stick-to-it-iveness that allows you to see things through to completion. Perhaps you’re always the last one to leave the office. Maybe you’re the partner who sticks through the difficult conversation to reach a lasting resolution. Few serious matters can intimidate you. Patience, pragmatism, and loyalty are your biggest allies. People know they can count on you and will reward you with the same devotion in return.

Mars Conjunct Ascendant

♂ ☌ 􏿴

Entering a party alone and leaving with all eyes on you must be pretty common. Others are naturally attracted to the way that you carry yourself, and for good reason! You’re independent, strong, and know how to take action. You’re probably no stranger to hearing “wow, I could never do that!”. Your biography would most likely be filled with memories that took guts and risk to create. The powerful magnetism you exude is both sexy and intimidating. The one crux here is to avoid getting too caught up in your ego. Being self-assured is one thing, but don’t let the looks go to your head!

Aries on the 5th House Cusp of Romance

Ⅴ ♈

Good luck trying to put sex on the calendar, since the idea of scheduling it is likely a turn-off. Passion is an instinctual impulse that arises within you without any planning or forethought. You prefer an in-the-moment rush that feels intoxicating. You are likely the first and fastest to rush in -- and if the other person beats you to the punch, even better! A little friendly competition really gets you going. Having the freedom to indulge in your spontaneous urges will keep you interested and engaged. Just remember that when your system is flooded with all kinds of feel-good chemicals, you are essentially on drugs even if you've ingested nothing of the sort. Careful not to burn too hot!

Cancer on the 8th House Cusp of Intimacy

Ⅷ ♋

The monster waiting under your bed may just be deeply misunderstood. Don’t let your fears of getting your heart hurt prevent you from opening it. You intuitively sense that creating safety is the first step toward vulnerability. However, not everyone is willing to fight a fire-breathing dragon to get to your tower. One day you’ll have to put your defenses down. Once you do, the level of attentiveness and care you bring to others is disarming. At the end of the day, you just want to be nurtured by the ones you’re intimately involved with. But in order to do so, you need to tend to the parts of you that didn’t feel nurtured by your original caregivers. The only weapon you need to fight your demons is self-love.

Your Love Predictions

The planets are constantly moving, and as their energies shift, so does your love life. While some days are ripe for romance, others are frankly better for hiding under the covers (with or without a special companion). In this report, you’ll discover how upcoming astrological events relate to your birth chart. To get the most accurate forecast, we’ll see what’s going on with Venus, the planet of love, as well as some other key players. This will give you everything you need to know, from why you’ve been in a romantic rut, to the best time to ask out your latest crush.

Venus Trine Sun

♀ △ ☉

Higher levels of confidence enable you to express yourself with more boldness during this transit. Your graceful appearance will make a strong impression in romantic and professional situations. Rewards may be right around the corner -- as long as you're willing to take a few risks and open your heart to different people and unique experiences. Even if things don't go as you planned, looking for creative pleasures along the way can still make your life more joyful in the end.

Peak Date: January 1, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: December 30, 2024 - January 2, 2025

Moon Conjunct South Node

☽ ☌ ☋

Pay attention to where you invest your emotions. It's easy to be drawn to those who need you, but what you offer them may never be enough. Don’t get taken advantage of by someone whose intentions are good, but who winds up taking more than they give.

Peak Date: January 2, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 1, 2025 - January 3, 2025

Moon in 3rd House of Communication

☽ ☌ Ⅲ

If you’re feeling restless, perhaps you need to socialize more. Your head is probably full of too many ideas. It's time to bounce them off other people! Flirting and verbal banter are fun diversions. Keep things lighthearted for best results.

Peak Date: January 3, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 2, 2025 - January 4, 2025

Moon Opposite Venus

☽ ☍ ♀

You may connect with someone whose style of relating is very different from your own. There are more colors in your emotional palette than you realize. You are highly sensitive to the responses of others now. Open your heart and overcome the fear of criticism.

Peak Date: January 5, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 4, 2025 - January 6, 2025

Moon in 4th House of Family

☽ ☌ 􏿵

You may want to stick close to home and to those you have known longest. You need to feel warm, cozy, and safe right now, and should seek out the gentle things and people in life. Slow down and take time to attend to your home and garden.

Peak Date: January 5, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 4, 2025 - January 6, 2025

Moon in 5th House of Creativity

☽ ☌ Ⅴ

Playfulness is key now. Acting like a kid and encouraging others to do the same has a fantastic ripple effect on your life and your heart. It's okay to be a little more dramatic than you normally are. Your spirit of creativity and sense of romance come alive during this cycle!

Peak Date: January 7, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 6, 2025 - January 8, 2025

Moon Opposite Sun in the 11th House

☽ ☍ ☉ Ⅺ

If you feel like you're not getting enough attention, it may be time to take some risks and expose your creative side to the world. A little drama can be fun, as long as it’s playful and not too self-centered.

Peak Date: January 7, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 6, 2025 - January 8, 2025

Moon Trine Venus

☽ △ ♀

Pleasure flows easily now. Enjoy the relationships in your life and take them at face value. The simple things in life bring the most joy. You could discover a gift for giving and a gift for the arts within yourself during this time. Just because something is easy doesn't mean it isn't valuable.

Peak Date: January 9, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 8, 2025 - January 10, 2025

Moon Opposite Mercury in the 11th House

☽ ☍ ☿ Ⅺ

It's important that you have a turn to speak, yet also recognize the rights of others as well. The bigger challenge may be to listen, since everyone will want to talk at the same time right now.

Peak Date: January 9, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 8, 2025 - January 10, 2025

Moon in 6th House of Health

☽ ☌ Ⅵ

Give yourself a routine and stick to it. You do better in the relationship arena when you focus on yourself first. Taking care of menial tasks may require much of your attention during this cycle. Your body can give you clues about how to deal with your feelings and the outside world. Exercise and meditation can bring you a sense of connection to yourself and others.

Peak Date: January 9, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 8, 2025 - January 10, 2025

Sun Trine Venus

☉ △ ♀

Relationships run more smoothly than usual now. People give you the benefit of the doubt, and good will is in the air. Being yourself has never seemed easier, and you have every reason to enjoy the good things in life. You will probably feel most comfortable expressing your romantic side. This is a time to play and explore your creativity. Let pure joy guide your actions. The gentle part of your nature is apparent to all, and you can easily let down defenses, so a bit of caution provides a reasonable balance.

Peak Date: January 9, 2025
Influential Transit Duration: January 7, 2025 - January 10, 2025

Your Next Steps


The planets of our solar system -- including the Sun, Moon, and Pluto -- create a sort of map in the cosmos. When a person looks at their Astrology birth chart, they are looking at the exact locations of each planet at the moment of their birth -- in essence, a map of their life.

Each planet is connected to a deity, archetype, or idea that represents some part of our fundamental nature as humans. By understanding the meaning of each planet and the ways it can influence our lives, we have the opportunity to understand not only what drives us, but, ultimately, how far we can go.

The Sun Your Ego Structure

Your Ego Structure

The Sun is the center of our solar system. All life revolves around it. In the same way, the ego is the center of personal identity and gives integration and continuity to individual experience. In this sense, it might be said that the Sun in Astrology reveals a person’s character and is the prime indicator of what the individual is trying to achieve. This is the fixed pillar at the center of the person around which all else revolves.

The sign placement of the Sun indicates how your natural drive and ambition are going to be directed. The sign of the Sun is the most primary indicator of the forms of experience you are attracted to. The house placement of the Sun shows the primary area of expression for the individual in life. There is a psychological, emotional, and physical significance to the house placement of the Sun.

Aspects to the Sun show ways that the core of the personality is linked to other component elements in the individual’s life. Aspects to the Sun have a deep and overriding significance in the life of the individual and are generally more important and more prominent than other aspects in the chart.

The Moon Your Personal Life

Your Personal Life

The Moon inscribes a circle around the Earth. It moves more swiftly than other celestial bodies and thus represents day-to-day and moment-to-moment movements, adjustments, and preoccupations. The Moon in Astrology represents the inner, emotional life and the unconscious, which is molded and shaped by our environment, events, and social and familial expectations. Further, the Moon indicates how we respond to life as a result of our past habits and experiences, our heritage, and our individual and collective instincts.

The sign placement of the Moon tells a lot about your private inner life, how the instinctive and imaginative component of your mind operates, how you express your feelings, and your most general experiences with your family and mother figure.

The house placement of the Moon shows how and where you make day-to-day adjustments and indicates which realm of experience will play a dominant role in your emotional life. Further, it shows the things you are most drawn to in order to gain emotional equilibrium.

The aspects of the Moon show general characteristics of the personality that are emphasized. Planets in aspect to the Moon are symbolic of qualities in the personality that are used instinctively, habitually, and with a high degree of versatility. While the Sun reveals your intended purposes and lessons for this present life cycle, the Moon represents what you have already done and developed, hence, what is instinctive and natural to you and what you tend to do over and over again.

Your childhood is also reflected in the Moon’s placement, because it’s through those childhood circumstances that any unresolved past-life issues are restimulated. Your subconscious predisposition is indicated by the Moon’s position as well. It is the psychic imprint of the past. Furthermore, the nodes of the Moon in an Astrology chart describe behavior patterns from the past and indicate the direction you are evolving toward as you move forward in your life.

Mercury Your Mental Life

Your Mental Life

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. From our viewpoint on Earth, it seems to dart back and forth across the face of the Sun. Mercury is the planet of your mental life. It shows how you receive, process, and disseminate information. It also relates to short trips, siblings, and other parts of your immediate environment. The sign placement of Mercury shows your basic attitude and mental habits. The aspects of Mercury show your scope of vision and your methods for accomplishing tasks.

Venus Your Love Nature

Your Love Nature

The planet Venus shows the way you express your love nature and what you deem good or beautiful in life. It also influences your approach to partnerships and indicates what adjustments will be made in order to encourage a loving relationship. Venus thrives on harmony and is drawn to social activities of all kinds, as well as the arts (music, dance, literature, and drama, among others). The sign placement of Venus describes your style of sharing your love with others. The house placement of Venus shows the natural area of expression for your love energy. The aspects of Venus indicate how and under what circumstances you express the gentle and loving side of your nature.

Mars Your Energy

Your Energy

Mars is the planet of motivation, action, and libido. It shows how you aim at your goals and how you power yourself toward them. Mars represents your most fundamental passions. The sign placement of Mars shows the intrinsic nature of your assertions. The house placement of Mars shows the area of your life where you tend to be most active. The aspects to Mars show how and to what extent your ambitions are involved with other aspects of living.

Jupiter Your Values

Your Values

Jupiter is the king of the planets. He is in charge of the order of creation. Jupiter shows your morals, where you feel confident and in control, and where you feel you have something to teach others. Jupiter also rules religion, philosophy, long-distance travel, and higher education. The sign placement of Jupiter describes your ideologies in life. The house placement of Jupiter shows the area of life where you feel luckiest and where you receive the most help from outside sources. The aspect patterns to Jupiter show the direct network of good and administrative power in your life.

Saturn Your Obligations

Your Obligations

The planet Saturn shows where you feel restricted. You feel obligations and fears through Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac. Saturn rewards discipline, hard work, and perseverance. The sign placement of Saturn shows the basic type of energy connected with your obligations. The house placement of Saturn shows an area of life that you feel restricted in and where you have to work hard to obtain the things that come to you. The aspects of Saturn show the most direct involvement of other areas of your life with your feelings of responsibility.

Uranus Your Search For Freedom

Your Search For Freedom

The planet Uranus is beyond the orbit of Saturn and can’t be seen without the aid of a telescope. It represents the sky in us -- that which transcends the limits of finite life. Uranus represents originality and unconventionality. It can stimulate sudden or erratic change, like that expressed in revolution, or the invention of new ways of doing things. The sign placement of Uranus shows your broadest striving for freedom. The house placement of Uranus indicates your area of direct unique expression. The aspects to Uranus indicate the way you express your need for higher consciousness.

Neptune Your Spiritual Life and Ideals

Your Spiritual Life and Ideals

The planet Neptune has an almost perfectly circular orbit. It represents the part of our nature that strives for perfection, that looks to some higher ideal. The planet Neptune rules the ocean and the part of us that is beyond the limits of the shores of personal existence, namely the unconscious. It also rules our dreams. The culture moves with the cycles of Neptune and it is the primary indicator of your connection to the culture that you live in. The sign placement of Neptune shows an ideal that you desire to manifest. The house placement of Neptune shows the area of your life that you want to express this ideal in. The aspect patterns of Neptune indicate the networking of your personality into the world at large.

Pluto Your Need For Fundamental Change

Your Need For Fundamental Change

The planet Pluto represents the dark, underground part of you. It shows your ability to transform the most fundamental properties in your own inner nature. The sign placement of Pluto is the way the obsessive, compulsive, and committed part of your nature expresses itself. The house placement of Pluto shows the area of life where you make your most fundamental and potent changes. The aspects to Pluto show the deepest, most unconscious links in your personality structure.

Ascendant Your External Self

Your External Self

The Ascendant -- also called the Rising sign -- is based on the time, date, and place of birth, and indicates both the sign and degree of the 1st house of a birth chart. The Ascendant represents your outside appearance to the world and the world’s general perception of you as a person. It is also widely believed to rule your physical characteristics.

Midheaven Career & Reputation

Career & Reputation

The Midheaven (English for “Medium Coeli”) is the highest point of a birth chart, located on the cusp of the 10th house. To astrologers, the Midheaven governs career, public reputation, and interactions with authority.

Chiron Your Core Wound

Your Core Wound

Chiron is a minor planet located between Saturn, a planet of restriction, and Uranus, a planet of liberation. Often called The Wounded Healer, Chiron’s placement in your birth chart indicates an important struggle in your life. Facing this challenge is a major opportunity for personal healing and can also prepare you to be a support to others who deal with similar core wounds.


The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. And the Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

The four elements -- Fire, Earth, Air, and Water -- describe the inherent temperament and orientation of each sign of the zodiac. As the ancient Greeks taught, everything in the universe including the human personality can be examined in terms of these elements.

Fire and Earth are primary elements and have to do with the self. Conversely, Air and Water are derivative and therefore more focused on others. The elements of Fire and Air tend to be extroverted, active, and freedom-oriented, while Earth and Water are more introverted, passive, and security-oriented.

Earth Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn

Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn

Earth represents practical, material world concerns

Air Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius

Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius

Air is the element of ideas and thought

Water Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces

Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces

Water represents feelings and the empathetic impulse

Houses And Their General Meanings

Your birth chart is divided into 12 houses -- sections of your chart that govern specific areas of your life. At the time of your birth, each planet was located in a particular astrological sign and in one of the 12 houses.

First House Your Self-Identity

Your Self-Identity

How you appear to the world and the first impression you make on others; your external presentation, including physical characteristics (body type, facial features, etc.)

Second House Your Personal Resources

Your Personal Resources

Money matters, material possessions, and your relationship with both

Third House Your Immediate Environment

Your Immediate Environment

Communication with others, short trips, and your relationships with siblings and neighbors

Fourth House Your Home & Family

Your Home & Family

Your childhood, ancestral roots and influences, and what brings you comfort and security

Fifth House Your Expression

Your Expression

The ways you express yourself creatively, romantically, and personally; also love affairs, children, and luck

Sixth House Your Daily Life

Your Daily Life

Health concerns, work, service, and routine

Seventh House Your Relationships

Your Relationships

Your identity in relation to others and your patterns in all 1-on-1 relationships

Eighth House Shared Resources

Shared Resources

The influence of other people’s money and talents; secrets; your feelings about sex and intimacy

Ninth House Higher Learning

Higher Learning

Long-distance travel, education, religion, and philosophy; mental expansion of all kinds

Tenth House Your Career & Reputation

Your Career & Reputation

Your social status, career goals, and potential for success; your relationship to authority, government, and power

Eleventh House Your Friends & Aspirations

Your Friends & Aspirations

How you integrate with friends, groups, and the community; your hopes, aspirations, and ideals

Twelfth House Your Spiritual Life

Your Spiritual Life

Your connection to spirituality and the universe; your subconscious mind; solitude and privacy


When a planet in the sky makes a specific angle to another planet, that angle is called an “aspect.” Planets that are aspecting each other are influencing each other, changing each other’s energy. Some aspects are soft, meaning that the qualities of the two planets come together smoothly and harmoniously. Other aspects are hard, meaning that the qualities are at odds with one another and may create tension or conflict.

There are a handful of different types of aspects, but most astrologers focus on six major aspects: the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, quincunx, and opposition. You can learn what each of these means -- plus a few rarer aspects -- by reading below.

A note about Orbs: Planets don’t have to be at the EXACT degree for us to feel its effects. The number of degrees that two planets can travel apart while still being considered in aspect is called the “orb.” Different astrologers use different orbs, but the closer that two planets are to an exact aspect degree (the smaller the orb), the more noticeable the effects will be.

Conjunction 0 degrees

0 degrees

If two planets occupy the same degree or are very close to each other, they are said to be conjunct. Most astrologers believe that conjunctions are dynamic, but not as difficult and challenging as squares and oppositions. Planets that are conjunct tend to energize each other.

Sextile 60 degrees

60 degrees

If two planets are close to being 60 degrees apart, they are said to be sextile to each other. Sextiles are similar to trine aspects and considered favorable.

Squares 90 degrees

90 degrees

If two planets are close to being 90 degrees apart, they are said to be square to each other. Almost all astrologers agree that squares are motivating but can be difficult. Some astrologers emphasize the negative potential of a square, while others focus on the character-building potential inherent in this aspect.

Trine 120 degrees

120 degrees

If two planets are close being 120 degrees apart, they are said to be trine to each other. Most astrologers agree that trines are soft and easy, pleasant and harmonious, but sometimes lazy. However, trines can provide relief from the tension inherent in more challenging aspects that may also be present in a person’s chart.

Quincunx 150 degrees

150 degrees

If two planets are close to being 150 degrees apart, they form a quincunx aspect. Most astrologers view the quincunx as being awkward, bothersome, and requiring adjustments from a person.

Opposition 180 degrees

180 degrees

If two planets are close to being opposite to each other in the sky, they are forming an opposition aspect. Most astrologers agree that oppositions are difficult and often emphasize challenges with other people. However, the challenges suggested by an opposition can be balanced and resolved with effort.

Semi-Sextile aspect 30 degrees

30 degrees

If two planets are close to being 30 degrees apart, they form a semi-sextile aspect. This is generally regarded as being a slightly harmonious or favorable minor aspect.

Semi-Square aspect 45 degrees

45 degrees

If two planets are close to being 45 degrees apart, they are in semi-square aspect. This minor aspect is similar to a square aspect, though often not quite as intense. Some astrologers feel that the semi-square creates very internal challenges or conflicts.

Sesquiquadrate 135 degrees

135 degrees

If two planets are close to being 135 degrees apart, they are in sesquiquadrate aspect. Generally regarded as being similar to a square, but some astrologers feel that this minor aspect is easier to release and express than a square aspect.

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