Virgo in Love and Relationships: Respectful, Giving, and Loyal
Discover what it's like dating a Virgo man or Virgo woman
If you're looking for a loyal lover who's all about serving you, look no further than a Virgo! This practical sign makes for a calm and grounded partner in love. It's not passion and fireworks that gets them going, it's the promise of something real, something useful. Virgos want to be in a relationship that serves a purpose.
Virgo in a relationship
Whether you're dating a Virgo or you are a Virgo yourself, keep reading to learn all about this sign in love and relationships -- what to look forward to, and what to watch out for!
Positive Virgo traits
Virgos need to be needed, so when you're dating a Virgo, you can expect them to help you out regularly! They show their love through acts of service -- it comes from their heart and they don't expect anything in return. They understand how important the act of giving is to maintaining a happy and stable relationship.
Your Virgo lover is also especially supportive when it comes to making improvements. They want you to be your best self and will stand by you while you go through personal changes or periods of doubt. They are not only focused on living their best life, they want you to live your best life too, and together, live your best relationship.
Because Virgos are so exact in their ways, you'll never have to worry about them forgetting a birthday or anniversary! Virgos are planners and, not only will they remember these special dates, they'll put sincere effort into making sure every little detail is perfect.
Negative Virgo traits
It's nice that your Virgo lover wants you to better yourself, but they can be a bit harsh in their delivery. Virgos are critical by nature, so it's easy for them to see what's not working and also see the best ways to fix it. When adjustments need to be made, it's a practical matter for them, not an emotional one -- they get right to the point. You may be offended by their blunt way of dictating when change is needed, and how often it comes up.
Virgos know best ... according to Virgos, that is. Your Virgo partner is convinced that their way is the right way. So, when things in your relationship don't go according to their plan, they immediately see it as a problem, as something being wrong. The truth is, Virgos often DO know the most efficient ways of getting things done, but many parts of love and relationships aren't about efficiency. It could be tough for your Virgo lover to open up their heart instead of relying only on their mind.
Virgo in bed
Yes, Virgo is the Virgin, but don't let that fool you about their prowess in bed! It's true that Virgo is very respectful of their sexual partners and will handle you gently, but the bedroom is one of the places Virgo's service-oriented nature seriously works in your favor: They will do anything to please you physically!
Even better, Virgos are, as always, open to improvement. If there's something you're pining for in your sexual relationship or something you'd like done a little differently, all you have to do is ask. Your Virgo partner will revel in the task of making up and testing different methods until they are certain you are satisfied. Lucky you!
Virgo in a relationship
Virgo, your heart is in the right place: You want to be your best self, and you want the people you love to be their best selves. But you've got to keep in mind how you come across to those you care about. Sometimes you are truly being helpful, but other times your opinions are perceived as judgmental and critical, which only pushes people away. Pay very close attention to your delivery. You may not need words softened upon delivery, but others do, and you'll get further in relationships if you think about how you'll sound before you speak.
Your dedication to every facet of life is admirable, but your especially strong focus on work can derail your romantic relationships. You may be content with all work and no play, but anyone you're committed to or even dating will not be so understanding of the imbalance between your career and your relationship.
Dating a Virgo man or Virgo woman
Virgos are particular about everything, including who they give their heart to! If you want to date a Virgo, you'll have to be able to hold up your end of a conversation -- Virgos are most attracted to a person's brains and intellect, and someone who takes care of themselves. They want to be with someone who has a strong work ethic and makes good decisions. This may not sound that exciting to you, but Virgos crave the stability that comes from a practical partner.
When interacting with your Virgo lover, it's important you remember they are influenced by the element of Earth. This makes them dedicated and methodical, and they need a partner who is just as determined to create a successful relationship, free from drama and reckless behavior. To be the apple of Virgo's eye, you've got to be willing to put in the work to create something strong, stable, and successful.
Virgo in love:
- Purposeful
- Conversational
- Helpful
- People-pleaser
- Picky
- Reserved
- Practical
- Careful
- Persistent
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