Sagittarius in Love and Relationships: Adventurous, Open, and Exciting
Discover what Sagittarius is like in a relationship
If you're looking for a love life that's packed with fun, adventure, and very little downtime, then a Sagittarius could be the perfect partner for you! Sagittarians are on a mission to see and do as much as possible in life, so you can expect a relationship with them will be a non-stop ride. But if you can't keep up with their never-ending energy, be careful: this wandering sign could start looking for a more compatible partner in crime!
Keep reading to learn the best and worst parts about dating a Sagittarius, so you know what you're getting into when you're falling for one!
Positive Sagittarius traits
Chances are you'll always be in a good mood when you're dating a Sagittarius. They are so optimistic and this positivity and upbeat energy are infectious. And very seldom will you have to be there to cheer up your Sagittarius lover -- they look for the bright side and are so quick to move on, they don't spend time dwelling on negative feelings.
Never will you have to worry about your Sagittarius partner lying to you, either. Sagittarians are sticklers for the truth, and they'll always be 100% direct and honest with you -- just know that they'll expect the same from you.
Sagittarians are playful and have a great sense of humor. And, thanks to their strong morals and expansive views of the world, you won't be put in the position of having to laugh along with jokes that spiteful, insulting, or otherwise cringeworthy. With a Sagittarius, everything is light and bright.
Negative Sagittarius traits
If you're a free thinker or a strong collaborator, dating a Sagittarius could be a struggle for you. Sagittarians can be real know-it-alls, and usually believe that their opinions and perspectives are the right ones. You may feel that you have to choose the lesser of two evils: either give in all the time, or butt heads constantly over different viewpoints.
Because Sagittarius is a wanderer of the world, you may need to watch out that they don't become a wanderer in your relationship, too. Their never-ending need to experience something exciting and new could lead them to stray. They need to be allowed their freedom, but some Sagittarians don't know where to draw the line.
If real problems arise in your partnership, you may become frustrated by your Sagittarius lover's blind faith. Their positivity can lead them to be unrealistic and avoid situations that really need to be addressed. They figure it'll all work out one way or another, but may ignore the actual work it'll take to get there.
Sagittarius in bed
What better lover to have in bed than one who loves to learn and try new things?! Sagittarians are up for anything, so you better be open to experimentation. These lovers are confident, enthusiastic, and really just want to have a good time. To them, sex should be active, adventurous, and fun, just like life. Mile-high club, anyone?
In a physical relationship with a Sagittarius, you'll never get stuck in a rut -- they are all about variety! Just be sure to keep things fresh because Sagittarius is a sign that will look elsewhere if they aren't getting what they need...
Sagittarius in a relationship
The world of love and relationships is just another exciting place for you to explore, Sagittarius! Meeting new people, sharing stories, experimenting -- it's all right up your alley. The problem is, a lot of other people take relationships more seriously than you do. You want your freedom, but your partner may be looking for promises. It's not about compromising what will make you happy, it's about being open and honest about it. From the get-go, you've got to be clear about your level of interest in a committed relationship. There are others out there who like a relationship with personal freedom too, you just have to find them.
And once you find someone you truly relate to, give them a little slack. Just because you think you're right all the time doesn't mean you are! When you regularly send the message that your lover's experiences and opinions are wrong, you drive a wedge of resentment between you. If you value freedom as much as you say you do, then allow the person you care about the freedom to think for themselves.
Dating a Sagittarius man or Sagittarius woman
Sagittarius' best relationship matches are people who are upbeat, energetic, and open to new experiences! When you're dating a Sagittarius, remind yourself to loosen up, smile, and laugh often. Sagittarians love to have a good time and want a partner who can share in lighthearted experiences with them. Complaining and making judgements are huge turnoffs for Sagittarians, so leave the negativity at home.
Though Sagittarius is one of the most independent signs, they still need support from you. Allow them to teach you, even if it's something you already know; let them share their perspective, even if you don't agree. Sagittarians are lifelong students and especially enjoy teaching what they've learned to others. They'll feel more connected to you if are engaged and interested in what they have to share.
Lastly, there's one big thing you must do in order to keep your Sagittarius lover hanging around: You have to honor their need for freedom. That can be so hard to do, because many of us have experiences in our pasts where freedom turned into infidelity. But for a Sagittarius, they're not going to stray if they're getting what they need, and what they need is that freedom. Show your Sag you trust them, and they will always return.
Sagittarius in love:
- Honest
- Independent
- Positive
- Experimental
- Opinionated
- Playful
- Humorous
- Enthusiastic
- Non-commital
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