Libra in Love and Relationships: Romantic, Charming, and Supportive
Discover what Libra is like in a relationship
Libra is all about relationships -- more than any other sign of the zodiac! Loving Libra is connected to the House of Partnership in Astrology -- their worlds revolve around interpersonal connection. They strive for harmony in their relationships and will go to great lengths to please their partner.
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But nobody is perfect, especially in matters of the heart -- dating a Libra does have some drawbacks! Keep reading to learn the best and worst parts about dating a Libra and see if they make the right match for you!
Positive Libra traits
Libras are social butterflies and do well in groups of people. You won't have to worry about them saying something off-color to your friends or embarrassing you at a party; no, Libras are classy, charming, and sophisticated, and sure to impress any crowd. You'll feel proud having your Libra partner on your arm.
Because Libra is a natural at understanding, mediating, and collaborating with people, you can be sure they will apply these skills to your romantic partnership, too. Your Libra lover will put extra effort into making sure the energy between you is harmonious and the relationship is balanced and fair. Plus, you won't have to worry about raging arguments with your Libra partner. Libras are lovers not fighters, so when tense situations arise, they do everything in their power to make things right and return to peace.
Negative Libra traits
Libras are givers, not takers, which probably sounds great to you if you're dating a Libra! The problem is, they sacrifice their own needs and wishes in order to keep you happy and keep your relationship running smooth. They forget about themselves which, over time, can build into resentment for you and your relationship. And they aren't likely to discuss these feelings either for fear of rocking the boat, so these feelings can eat away at them.
In an effort to maintain balance and keep everyone happy, Libras can also be indecisive. Like ... maddeningly indecisive. Don't expect to get much help when planning special dates together or even having certain conversations with each other. Libras are more of the "whatever you want" type, which puts you in the frustrating role of always having to be the decision-maker in the partnership.
Libra in bed
The good news is, Libras live to please! There will be no shortage of effort put in to making you happy, comfortable, and satisfied in bed. It could take a bit for you two to find your groove, though. Because your Libra lover wants everything to be 100% perfect, they'll have a lot of questions at first and be especially fussy about creating just the right environment and mood. At some point you might have to tell them to shut up and get to it already!
Once everything is just right, Libra is a very caring and gentle partner. They look at lovemaking as the act of two becoming one, and they want to create a sincere connection. While you're involved in a physical relationship with a Libra, you can expect to feel like they only have eyes for you.
Libra in a relationship
Libra, you are so sweet to constantly put others' needs before your own. But realize that, in an effort to create happiness and peace, you are creating an imbalance within yourself when you neglect your own needs for the sake of someone else's. Relationships are about two individuals coming together, so if you ignore what you need as an individual, you'll end up in a situation that doesn't satisfy you. Remember, it's not about taking, it's about balancing.
Speaking of balance, you'll need to manage your expectations in your romantic relationships, Libra. You love to love, and that can make you so idealistic that your expectations of your partner or of the romance in your relationship become unrealistic. Don't set yourself up for disappointment.
Dating a Libra man or Libra woman
Libra is so considerate and thoughtful, if you are not considerate and thoughtful in return, you probably won't make it far in dating a Libra. Being selfish is a big turn-off for Libras, as is being crass, rude, or unkempt. Libras are classy creatures and they want to be in a relationship with someone who mirrors their own grace.
Because your Libra lover puts so much into your partnership, they really just want the same in return. They want to know they matter to you. When you're dating a Libra, it's not that hard to keep them happy: just be there. They will drop everything for you, so show them you'll do the same for them.
You'll have a tough time dating a Libra if you aren't willing to compromise. If you are truly invested in exploring a relationship with a Libra, then their happiness is your happiness, too, and you'll be happy to see their wishes met as often as yours are.
Libra in love:
- Fair
- Kind
- Friendly
- Devoted
- Gentle
- Unrealistic
- Peacemaking
- Wishy-washy
- Accommodating
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