Leo in Love and Relationships: Playful, Romantic, and Giving
Discover what Leo is like in a relationship
Dating a Leo can be such a treat! Leo the Lion is a warm and expressive Fire sign that thrives on romance and giving love. They aren't shy about showing you how much they care ... in fact, they live for it! As long as you lavish your Leo with love in return, you'll keep them coming back for more.
Whether you're already in a relationship with a Leo, you've got your eye on one, or you are a Leo yourself, keep reading to see the ups and downs of Leos in love!
Positive Leo traits
Leos love to love. They will take advantage of every opportunity to put you on a pedestal as their partner and shower you with encouragement and admiration. Compliments and flattery are par for the course! But not just for the sake of expression -- they truly want you to have the confidence and support you need to better yourself and feel good. Seeing you confident and happy makes them confident and happy.
Leo is also a showoff, and that doesn't stop at their relationship! They get a rise out of having a lover on their arm, going out, and being seen. Date nights with a Leo lover are never boring! They pour creativity into everything they do, so you can expect plenty of playful adventures, social gatherings, and dramatic passion to keep your relationship fun and fresh.
Negative Leo traits
No sign of the zodiac has a bigger (or more fragile!) ego than Leo. It's fun when your Leo lover is feeling confident and secure, but if their pride is wounded, you'll see a side you don't want to be around. When a Leo feels like they aren't getting the level of appreciation and respect they deserve in a relationship, they can become arrogant, cold, or even angry. They give so much love, they expect to receive the same in return.
Leos need their relationships to be exciting at all times, so if things get a little too comfortable, they'll stir up drama for the sake of drama. Seeing you rise passionately to fight for them and your relationship feeds their ego. A little jealousy or a spat every now and then is one thing, but when you're with a Leo, you might not often feel at ease in your relationship.
Leo in bed
The bedroom is Leo's playground! The lively Lion is full of energy and wants to have a good time. Sex is a game to Leo, just like everything else, so don't be surprised when they break out the costumes and toys during your passionate playtime. Leo's a performer and loves a steamy roleplay!
Your generous Leo partner will do anything to make you feel good. They're a giver more than a taker in bed. Pleasing you feeds that oh-so-important ego of theirs, so they'll happily put forth the effort. The question is: Can you keep up?
Leo in a relationship
Leo, your heart is huge and you thrive on giving, and that's such a good thing! But are you as generous with yourself as you are with others? Your key lesson in relationships is that you must learn to love yourself. You can't put the responsibility on your loved one to make you feel confident and happy -- that's your job. Lovers come and go, but you will always be there for you; give yourself the love you know you deserve.
When in a relationship, Leo, remember that ever person shows love in a different way. Be forgiving of your partner. You love in an over-the-top, outward, expressive way, but just because your lover isn't as demonstrative of their feelings doesn't mean they don't care just as much about you! Again, give love to yourself and you won't have to expect so much from your loved one. Expectations often end in disappointment.
Dating a Leo man or Leo woman
If you've got a Leo lover, it's actually quite simple to keep them happy: stroke their ego! Make a point of expressing your adoration for them regularly and telling them just how amazing they are. Use your words and your actions to show appreciation for who they are as a person and as a partner. They are so giving and supportive, it's very important to them that you show your generosity and support in return. A flattered Leo is a happy Leo, and a happy Leo will never disappoint you!
Your Lion likes a glamorous life, so be sure to make lots of time for date nights out on the town, too. Putting extra effort into getting dressed up and going out will score big points!
When it comes to Leo compatibility, shy or reserved people won't get what they need from a Leo lover. You'll be one of Leo's best relationship matches if you're passionate, playful, and energetic!
Leo in love:
- Generous
- Expressive
- Proud
- Encouraging
- Dramatic
- Fragile
- Fun
- Creative
- Adoring
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