Browse I Ching Hexagrams

The 64 Hexagrams
of the I Ching

Gentle Penetration

57: Gentle Penetration

About I Ching Hexagrams Dispersing

59: Dispersing

58: Joy

Traditionally, joy was symbolized by a group of friends playing or a carefree child singing to themself while engaged in their chores. Whatever the example, happiness is rising from within and spreading out into the world!

Joy comes into the world through gentle means but springs from a solid sense of self—the power of joy should not be underestimated. The enjoyment of learning and discovery, for example, has served as the inspiration for much progress. As such, that which brings joy into the world is also a source of much potential.

If happiness is supported by stability, it will wear down the stiffest barrier and win over the hardest heart. True joy is a beacon in the world. Being so rare, its presence is an indication of good fortune, now and in the future. How could it be otherwise?

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More About I Ching Hexagrams

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