6 Crystals to Enhance Your Feng Shui Practice
Reveal the gemstones you need in your arsenal
Gemstones have been used for centuries to heal, protect, and bring clarity. While you may already be aware of their spiritual properties, you might be surprised to learn that they can also be used as a powerful tool in Feng Shui.
Are you looking to increase romance? Attract wealth? Improve wellness? There is a gemstone that can help.
Find your true path
Whether you want to find a new job or find your purpose in life, pearls can be very helpful. These precious stones symbolize honesty, purity, and dignity. Place a single pearl in the center portion of the entrance wall of your home to find the perfect job and forge a meaningful lifestyle. Housing the pearl in a black velvet box can make this cure doubly powerful.
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Keep love alive
Rose quartz is the gemstone associated with love, romance, and receptivity. Keeping a pair of these stones in your Relationship Corner -- the far right corner of your home -- will improve all of your relationships. This cure is especially helpful in attracting romantic partners. For best results, place two pieces of rose quartz in a square brown box.
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Strengthen ties that bind
Carnelian is a powerful gemstone that promotes confidence. Placing three pieces of carnelian in your Family Gua -- the middle portion of the left side of your home -- can improve your relationships with relatives and neighbors. That's because carnelian helps establish healthy boundaries. Keep the carnelian in a long wooden box for added effect.
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Attract abundance
To enjoy existing blessings and attract increased wealth, use jade. Jade is a symbol of peace and serenity. Placing four pieces of jade in the far left corner of your home will calm financial anxiety and make it easier for you to spot money-making opportunities. To strengthen this cure, keep the jade in a beautiful black box.
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Feel better
Tiger's eye is a grounding gemstone that can greatly improve your health. By conferring balance and strength, this stone can ward off infection and ease pain. It's especially helpful in promoting digestive and reproductive health. Place five pieces of tiger's eye in the center of your home for a welcome feeling of well-being. Keeping tiger's eye in a ceramic container will increase the effectiveness of this cure.
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Make friends
No matter if you're a loner or a social butterfly, you need to be surrounded by loyal, supportive people. Malachite is the ideal gemstone for this purpose. Not only will it attract and anchor good friendships, malachite will also help you find reliable mentors, babysitters, real estate agents, repair experts ... in short, anyone who can make your life easier. Put six pieces of malachite in a round container, then place the container in the near right corner of your home for maximum effect.
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