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Aries: You might have some beautiful ideas when it comes to romantic aspirations, but they may currently seem far from…

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Taurus: Your cravings for romance could come on strong now -- there’s nothing you love more than being wined and dined!…

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Gemini: You’re free to be yourself, but don’t be surprised if someone you love has something critical to say about it.…

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Cancer: Love can’t always live up to your expectations, which might currently be more lofty than usual. You do deserve…

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Leo: Your amorous notions could currently inspire you to imagine a false version of your beloved. Unfortunately, you…

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Virgo: Love might be distracting you in all the wrong ways today. Work is a sacred practice for you, and you potentially…

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Libra: The one thing you believe in the most is love, but you could feel like you’re far from it today. Whether you’re…

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Scorpio: Establishing intimacy could have its awkward moments today. You might reveal something rather shocking to your…

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Sagittarius: Romantic matters may seem restricted at the moment. Perhaps you’re being smothered by your partner or someone…

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Capricorn: Feeling overwhelmed is a risk at the moment. Your first reaction might be to run to your nearest and dearest for…

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Aquarius: You’re potentially smitten and intrigued -- someone may have piqued your interest! You’ll probably be feeling…

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Pisces: You might be feeling down and out about your romantic status. It’s almost as if your emotions are being amplified…

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