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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Someone else's confusing communication could get in the way of your progress. You might find that you're struggling…

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Taurus: You may see a clear path forward to your dreams -- that is, until someone else blocks your view. Rather than showing…

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Gemini: You might make a snap decision that you end up regretting. Even if you calculated the risk ahead of time, there's…

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Cancer: Your comfort zone could be getting in the way of your progress. Someone may make a comment to you that makes you…

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Leo: Your words might not be taken the way you meant them. You might have spoken innocently, but someone points their…

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Virgo: Someone who you thought was a safe person to talk to may accidentally reveal that they're less than trustworthy.…

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Libra: A lack of routine could be preventing you from getting where you want to go. You might have thought that you were…

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Scorpio: Exhaustion may trip you into making decisions that you wouldn't normally make. Details can slip through the cracks…

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Sagittarius: Your fear of being tied down may conflict with your dreams. Your sign is known for being a free spirit, but sometimes…

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Capricorn: It might be difficult for you to express yourself to others throughout the day. You might feel as if you need…

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Aquarius: Obstacles that you didn't anticipate might require you to learn something to overcome them. You may realize that…

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Pisces: You might be forced to make some decisions all alone. It could be that you're desperately seeking someone who…

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