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Aries: A cycle is coming to a close. The powerful Full Moon culminates in your 12th House of Endings, signaling a time…

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Taurus: Satisfaction can be found by playing your current part. There is a big emphasis on coming together with people…

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Gemini: The finish line is coming into view. You've been making major progress, and the end is in sight as the skies glow…

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Cancer: Get ready to spread your wings! The world is beckoning you to come and explore it during the Full Moon in your…

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Leo: This isn't a day for sweeping things under the rug. A powerful matter is bubbling to the surface as your 8th House…

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Virgo: Dynamic duos are the order of the day. There is a Full Moon powering up your 7th House of Associations, highlighting…

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Libra: Take stock of yourself, Libra. You're allowed to feel good in your body, thanks to the Full Moon in your 6th House…

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Scorpio: Life isn't meant to be one big headache! Your day ought to be lived and enjoyed. As today's Full Moon illuminates…

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Sagittarius: Keep your focus close to home. There is a Full Moon in your foundational 4th house, tugging your attention toward…

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Capricorn: You have a voice for a reason, Capricorn -- it is vital to use it. The skies are glowing with a Full Moon in your…

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Aquarius: Financial matters are taking top billing. Your attention is being firmly turned toward your money and how you…

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Pisces: This is a very personal day. You're the center of the cosmos during this important Full Moon, as it lights up…

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