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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Drastic changes could impact your internal balance. You may have been subject to a sudden change in your finances,…

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Taurus: A change of mind that you weren't expecting is on the horizon. You might have been dead set on a decision, but…

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Gemini: You might be making adjustments without letting anyone in on your process. Maybe you've always told others you…

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Cancer: Your dreams are shifting. This doesn't automatically mean that you're abandoning dreams that you've been chasing…

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Leo: Your peers are seeing you in a different light. Maybe you're the epitome of a capable, entertaining Lion, or maybe…

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Virgo: Changes are coming for you in how you see the world. You might have believed that everyone thought in a certain…

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Libra: You're letting go of feelings that once had a hold on you. You may have obsessed over a difficult conversation…

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Scorpio: What you seek in a friendship connection might be shifting. You may have always sought out a certain kind of person,…

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Sagittarius: You're changing how you remain consistent -- as paradoxical as that sounds. If you've been using the same strategy…

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Capricorn: Having fun on a normal day shouldn't be a crime! While it might have been difficult to make time for fun in the…

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Aquarius: Grudges might be hard to release. You could feel called to forgive someone or simply want to stop thinking about…

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Pisces: How you express yourself could be changing. Eureka moments may embolden you to say something that's very different…

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