planet pluto

Pluto Direct in Astrology

Take action with Pluto's transformative power

By Staff

When tiny but powerful Pluto, the planet of truth and transformation, goes direct after spending several months in retrograde, the effects can be intense. Pluto's forward movement can bring all of our deepest desires and secrets to the surface.

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When Pluto is retrograde, we're more inclined to turn inward and bury our deepest truths and wishes, but Pluto Direct is like a green light to confront the darkest parts of ourselves and others. This isn't a negative thing -- rather, it's a way of bringing truth out into the light so it can be dealt with. This works as a catalyst on both personal and planetary levels, so we can all expect Pluto's powers to transform our lives in one way or another now.

If you've reassessed relationships or other areas of your life during Pluto Retrograde, Pluto Direct is the time to stop thinking about making those changes and truly take action.

Be honest with yourself and others, and move forward from the dark to the light.

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