Matthew McConaughey
A sultry Scorpio with a lighthearted air
By Jeff Jawer
Don't let Matthew McConaughey's laidback persona fool you into thinking that nobody's watching the store. The popular actor has a steel-trap mind and a profound sense of discipline that have built a road to success based on plenty of hard work.
Matthew McConaughey went from playing a madman in the widely-panned The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 1994, to co-starring with Jody Foster in Contact and working for Steven Spielberg in Amistad in 1997. He's been a bankable leading man ever since. People Magazine's 2005 Sexiest Man Alive is, not surprisingly, a Scorpio.
Born November 4, 1969, Matthew's Sun is in this fixed Water sign of controlled passion, recognized for its natural eroticism. The actor's buff body and chiseled good looks certainly help him fill the bill. As is usually the case with mysterious Scorpio, though, it's what we don't know about him that makes him so interesting. Matthew's clearly got more going on behind his movie star smile than meets the eye. We know he's not just about bongo playing, beach-bumming and University of Texas football, but we don't know what he is about. Scorpios are good at keeping secrets, and Matthew is better than most.
The planet Mercury is the key to communication, describing how a person gathers information and shares it with others. Matthew McConaughey has Mercury in silent Scorpio directly opposite Saturn, the planet of restraint. Individuals with Mercury-Saturn contacts tend to be cautious and thoughtful, carefully weighing words in their minds before expressing them openly. Sometimes they have a cynical or sarcastic side expressed with dry humor. You get the sense that the wheels are turning in Matthew's head, and that the story in his mind is much more interesting then the story he's telling us. This self-contained quality -- especially in an otherwise outgoing, good-old-boy kind of guy -- works wonders on screen. It adds a feeling of depth to his characters, even when he's playing a lightweight role.
Matthew's Moon -- the symbol of emotions -- is in analytical Virgo, another indication that he's careful and calculated in his actions. Sure, his bad-boy Mars in rebellious Aquarius has broken the mold from time to time with unconventional behavior, but he's not in danger of rocking any big boats that might sink his career. Serious Saturn in a tense square angle with his Mars gives Matthew the discipline he needs to keep himself in movie star shape.
Of course, all the hard work in the world wouldn't matter without his dazzling good looks. Venus -- the planet of beauty -- has been very kind to Matthew. She's placed in her gracious home sign of Libra, blessing him with a harmonious appearance. Matthew's real gift, though, is generous Jupiter, which was right next to his Venus when he was born. The expansive nature of lucky Jupiter joined with the planet of looks and charm lights up the screen, blessing him with like ability. In spite of the well-hidden darker side of his personality, he appears at ease with himself. The audience's affection, combined with his hard work and determination, ensures that whatever Matthew touches -- be it romantic comedy or action-adventure -- will likely turn into box office gold.