woman with zodiac signs

Dating Dealbreakers by Zodiac Sign

Relationship no-nos for every horoscope sign

By Simone Butler

While the game of love can be fun, differences between horoscope signs can lead to an ultimate downfall. What may be perfectly acceptable to one sign could be a dealbreaker for another. Some things are universally horrible: addictions, psychosis, abuse ... but let's go beyond those widely-known unacceptable behaviors for a look at each horoscope sign's major no-nos...

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Always remember: Aries must be the top priority, and your loving attention is no exception. If your Aries woman thinks you're no longer attracted to her, she's ready to call it quits. And never, ever compare your Ram man unfavorably to any other men you've been with, no matter how mad you are -- he may never let it go.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Don't ever lie to a Taurus. Little white lies are one thing, but it's essential to be straightforward. You can keep a little intrigue, but when it comes to the big stuff -- like the fact that you've been seeing someone else or you charged that big-screen TV to their credit card -- failure to own up could have serious consequences.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

For a sign that shares everything, a Gemini cannot stand being left in the dark. What's he really thinking? What'd she mean by that? Also, your unwillingness to change, adapt, and compromise may send this sign packing. And being too possessive -- infringing on their freedom to come and go as they please -- could end up being Gemini's biggest dealbreaker of all.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Wounding a Cancer's feelings is unforgivable -- this sign takes everything to heart. Don't ever forget your Crab's birthday or ignore them all night at a party. The moonchild needs a nurturing touch, which they willingly give in return. But whatever you do, never let your frustrations build to the point of unleashing the fury -- once attacked, they will withdraw.

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Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

The Lion or Lioness needs a partner who makes him or her look good. Don't embarrass them in public! Drunken displays, one-upping or proving how wrong he or she may be can be grounds for dismissal. Leos need to feel in charge (even when they're not). Also, never use sex as a reward or punishment.

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Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Poor hygiene? That's a dealbreaker! A messy home or car also falls into this major turn-off category. Cleanliness is truly next to godliness for Virgo -- and that includes your thinking -- don't be too negative or go off on tirades about the government or global warming without actually taking action to change.

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Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

No one is more attuned to the subtleties of human relationships than Libra. Therefore, rudeness and insensitivity will cause serious offense, since harmony and fairness mean everything. Avoid off-color jokes and language -- and pushy behavior or a me-me-me attitude are apt to send your balanced, partnership-oriented lover running in the opposite direction.

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Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Don't betray a Scorpion's trust! Because they've been betrayed so often in the past, Scorpios tend to unconsciously set up situations in which it will happen again (such as accusing you so often of infidelity that you're actually driven to do it). If you want to avoid getting dumped, be upfront and stay committed.

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Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Possessiveness, jealousy, constantly checking in -- these are dealbreakers for the freedom-loving Archer. Trust your Sag, even when he or she is late coming home or out without you. If you try to clamp down, it's ultimately going to backfire. It helps to be naturally confident.

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Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Although a Capricorn doesn't show his or her feelings much, Goats still get wounded -- especially when their dignity is in question. Don't discuss your private life with your Capricorn's workmates or employees, or flirt with others in their presence. Caps need time to process things before making a decision, so don't force issues and try to be patient.

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Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Tossing your candy wrapper out the window may equate to tossing out the relationship. Neglecting an animal could be a serious dealbreaker, too. You'll need to make allowances for the many friends of this environmentalist if you want a rewarding relationship. An iron grip doesn't cut it with freedom-loving Aquarius.

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Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)

The Fish loves to give, but don't take advantage of their good nature. If your Pisces partner has been taking you out to expensive restaurants, turn the tables and make a special meal in return. If he or she always cooks, help with the dishes. Not sharing spiritual beliefs could also be a dealbreaker -- if you're all style and no substance, Pisces will ultimately leave you behind.

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