Several cats playing

Cat Astrology: Traits by Zodiac Sign

Find your cat's sign and learn more about their personality...

By Staff

Do you have a pretty kitty or a downright fat cat? Trust us, the cosmos affect your kitties' personalities and moods just as much as they affects ours.

Look to your cat's zodiac sign for clues to why your little beastie might be a lover ... or a biter.

aries cat

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Active Aries kitties love to chase and stalk prey, fired up by that go-go-go Aries energy. Naturally aggressive, Aries cats ain't the cuddling type -- but they will show affection by delivering you little "gifts" they've chased down. Reward them with some extra attention and playtime, and they may get so tuckered out they'll actually sit on your lap for a spell!

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taurus cat

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This kitty sure can haz cheeseburger! Pleasure loving Taurus cats are all about being indulged. They'll eat every bit of kibble you put out -- the stinky, wet kind is best -- and then they'll beg for your human scraps, too. When and if your Taurus kitty is full, they'll plop their chubby little bodies on your lap for a purring and petting session that won't be over until they meow it's over, which might be never. Rub their full tummies, they'll love it!

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gemini cat

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Do you think you have just one cat? Not if it's a Gemini, you don't. Twin kitties pack personality for two, and they may well be responsilble for the reputation cats have of being super spazzy. After all, spring is baby kitten season, so more cats are Gemini than any other zodiac sign. Expect your Gemini cat to communicate with you well -- they'll have an entire language of meows to let you know when they're hungry, when they want to play or when they want you to wake up and entertain them at, like, 4 a.m. Active, curious and mischievous, don't be surprised if your Gemini kitty steals your jewelry or takes things out of your purse just for the fun of it, then looks at you innocently with a meow that's says "What?"

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cancer cat

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

When you hear of "scaredy cats," they're most likely talking about sensitive Cancer felines. Sweet, quiet and affectionate Cancer cats prefer a serene environment, and noise rattles their nerves. Cancer cats are most protective of their family -- whether it's their kittens or YOU -- and they'll follow you around lovingly just waiting to be pet or to give you a little lick. If you can't find your Cancer kitty when he or she isn't following you around, look under the bed or in the closet -- sometimes they just need to hide away for some peace and quiet, but they'll crawl back out for lovin' soon enough.

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leo cat

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

I am kitty, hear me roar! Your loving little Leos are the most attention demanding cats of the zodiac, and as such they need to be pampered and lavished with lots of love and toys or they will turn on you fast. Living with a Leo cat is highly dramatic -- they'll prance around the house looking for attention, and the rest of the time they'll lounge about waiting for you to turn up to serve them like royalty. And if you don't pay enough attention, watch out -- little Leo will punish you by peeing on the bed or clawing your new sofa. Then you'll be the one roaring!

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virgo cat

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Cats who are finnicky are most likely Virgos, and you've got your hands full trying to please them. If you don't, they'll wimper and bite and hiss to let you know they're mad. But it's actually not that difficult to make a Virgo kitty happy. Just be sure to buy their favorite food every time, and keep their litter box and dishes clean. They'll reward you by doing the same -- they're very tidy eaters and love to keep themselves clean -- so if you like a tidy home then Virgo cat's for you!

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libra cat

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Hello, pretty kitty! Ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, your Libra kitty likely has the prettiest eyes and gorgeous, silkly fur. Libra kitty will spend lots of time preening, and even more time socializing -- so be sure your Libra kitty isn't an only cat. Libra kitties need companionship, so adopt another cat (preferably a compatible Gemini kitty) that can keep them company as they play, wrestle and preen each other when you're not home. And when you are home, go ahead and invite lots of people over. Libra kitty will greet them all, and loves the attention from your guests.

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scorpio cat

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

You know that black cat that shows up on Halloween, following the witch and sneaking around in the night? That's your typical dark, mysterious Scorpio cat, for sure. Scorpio kitty is intense -- feisty, unpredictable and vengeful, especially if you make them jealous by petting another cat. Scorpio kitty can be full of love one minute, then quick to hiss the next -- and sometimes you won't even know why. Secretive Scorpio cats love to hide from you when you call almost as much as they love hiding things from you -- like burying a dead mouse in the back of your closet or stealing your keys so you can't leave them alone at home.

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sagittarius cat

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

You know those cats who disappear for days, then turn up again looking slightly worse for the wear? That's your typical Sagittarius adventure cat, always wandering around looking for excitement. Sag kitties love to roam and explore, even if it puts them in harm's way -- so perhaps finding a safe outdoor enclosure for your kitty would be the best compromise for their sense of adventure and safety. It'll also help keep your house cleaner, as Saggittarius cats are known for recklessly knocking things over and leaving a mess of toys in their wake.

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capricorn cat

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorn kitty knows who's boss. Shy and serious, your Cap cat will express devotion to you and demand the same in return. Capricats won't take no for an answer, either. They are diligent and determined to achieve their goals, so if you lock them out of the bedroom at night and they want to get in, you can expect to hear yowling and scratching at the door all night until you cave to their demands. And you will, cuz Cap kitty is persuasive like that.

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aquarius cat

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Got yourself a quirky cat? You know, one of those crazy furballs who's always getting tangled up in things or who has a strange taste for food that no other cat would eat? Well your kitty is probably an Aquarius, and all those crazy adventures are driven by Aquakitty's combination of intelligence, independence and eccentricity. Aquarian cats can't stand to feel bored, so you'll want to keep them entertained. If you don't, their natural curiosity could lead to trouble -- um, you know what they say about curiosity and cats. Instead, try teaching them tricks, like how to fetch or jump on command. People say you can't herd cats, but you could if they were all Aquarian.

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pisces cat

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Imaginative Pisces cats are an owner's dream! Affectionate and happy, Pisces cats are usually a calm and peaceful influence in any household. They don't demand too much attention because they have a vast internal world to keep them amused at all times, and they love to sleep a lot so they can chase mice and bugs in their dreams. Pisces cats also have the most psychic abilities, so when you're having a rough day your Pisces kitty will intuitively understand and give you a great big love cuddle until you feel better.

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