Your 2023 Gemini Yearly Love Horoscope
Find out what energies await you with our 2023 love predictions.
Your desires may have ebbed and flowed last year, but in 2023, your love life can expand exponentially. After a late 2022 retrograde, Mars, the planet of passion, goes direct in your own sign on January 12, boosting you toward epic romance.
The first few months of 2023 are all about socializing
A lot of your opportunities in the realm of dating, mating, and relating could come via your social life this year. With Jupiter in your community-focused 11th house until May 16, and a major eclipse in this part of your chart on April 20, you can build up your romantic relationships when you get a little help from your friends. If you're currently going solo and want to be partnered, do your best to get out there and socialize or be active on dating apps or websites. The more you mingle, the less time you should remain single. Plus, adoring Venus is in your sign from April 10 to May 7, giving you a gorgeous cosmic glow-up.
Venus just wants to have fun -- but watch out for her July 22 retrograde
Venus moves into your talkative 3rd house in early June, opening the first chapter of a dramatic love story that will continue unfolding through September. Communication about romance and desire should be on point -- at least until Venus Retrograde begins on July 22, at which point your conversations with lovers could get quite messy and confusing. Aim to listen with your whole heart and avoid making any major decisions about relationships until Venus goes direct once more on September 3. You could even pad on a few extra weeks for good measure, waiting patiently for all the details to shake out.
Venus and an eclipse whip something up as the year draws to a close
A powerful Solar Eclipse in your 5th House of Playful Passion arrives on October 14, shaking up your romantic life once again. Look out for a revelation about a new relationship or a sudden, unexpected meeting with someone that you'll fall for quickly. The last few days of the year can seem genuinely magical as Venus finishes out 2023 in your 7th House of Collaboration. You might just spend New Year's Eve safe in the arms of your beloved -- if so, you won't want to be anywhere else.