Libra 2022 Horoscope: Get Accurate Predictions Now
Reveal what awaits you with your Libra Horoscope 2022...
Heartfelt Venus is your ruling planet, and as 2022 begins, Venus is already retrograding in your 4th House of Home and Family. This is a time when you can look at your early childhood influences and decide what should be appreciated and what needs to be healed. Your relationship with your mother or a mother figure may be up for review during this time. You also may feel like redecorating your home, but any major renovations should be held off until later. You may think you know what you want during the retrograde, only to find your desires change once Venus turns direct at the end of January.
Libra 2022 horoscope
Your year of personal development
Saturn is still moving through unconventional Aquarius all year and highlighting your 5th House of Creativity and Personal Passion. Saturn began its journey here in December 2020 and has since been pushing you to step out of your comfort zone. You are really great at thinking about everyone else, but this year you are getting a cosmic reminder that you have to put yourself first sometimes. With this goal in mind, Saturn wants to help you patch up stressful energetic leaks so you can start having more fun! The first Mercury Retrograde of the year also takes place in your 5th house starting on January 14, so when you're making your New Year's resolutions, make sure you add a few goals that enhance your confidence and allow you to experience more joy.
Mercury's second retrograde of the year starts on May 10 in your 9th House of Expansion. There is a theme this year of not taking yourself too seriously, and this particular retrograde asks you to have fun expanding your mindset. Consider taking a new course or even doing some travel for inspiration. On September 9, another Mercury Retrograde begins, but this time it's happening in your sign, and you'll have three weeks to assess the progress you've made throughout the year and determine your forward path. When the final retrograde takes place in your home and family sector at the end of the year, you'll be ready to share the new you with your loved ones.
Give and take
A series of Solar and Lunar Eclipses will happen in your 2nd House of Money and 8th House of Sharing throughout 2022. These eclipses can help you release some old habits and items you no longer need while attracting new tools and possessions that keep you focused on your goals.
The Solar Eclipse in your 8th house on April 30 is a great time to set intentions around paying off debt or paying someone back that you owe. Releasing bad money habits and asking for help will be especially powerful near the Lunar Eclipse that follows shortly after on May 15. Once the second Solar Eclipse happens on October 25, you can be an inspiration and a help to others, remembering the support others have previously offered to you. All this energy culminates at the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, when you can celebrate everything you've manifested this year by paying it forward to someone else!
Joining forces
Lucky Jupiter starts off 2022 in your 6th House of Work but moves into your 7th House of Partnerships on May 10. This year you may meet a new business partner, or maybe just a person who inspires you to step into a new career path or entrepreneurship! You work best when you are able to bounce things off a partner, so this platonic relationship will be great for goal-setting. When Jupiter forms a harmonious connection to innovative Uranus on February 17, be sure to take advantage of any intriguing opportunities that come your way, especially in business or health matters.