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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Your emotions may be skewing your perspective. The way you feel about friendship, community, or your goals could…

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Taurus: Hidden things are coming to light. It's a very difficult time to keep secrets -- all sorts of tidbits are on the…

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Gemini: You may be stuck in your head. There might be a lot of information that you have access to right now, so much…

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Cancer: Partnerships could experience some unpredictable turbulence. Whether it's a personal connection or a business…

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Leo: How one person responds to you isn't going to be how everyone responds to you. A negative interaction with someone…

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Virgo: Confusion can invite tension. Misunderstandings can lead to animosity at any time, as someone's response to you…

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Libra: Risky statements may spark group tension. There may be something that everyone's thinking but no one's saying…

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Scorpio: Your inner voice might be pulling you in two directions at once. On the one hand, you could have something that…

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Sagittarius: Someone may educate you about information that you were unaware of. Perhaps you were simply chattering with peers,…

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Capricorn: You might be marching to the beat of a unique drum. Whatever your intentions are, you could become somewhat of…

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Aquarius: Someone might be trying to get a reaction out of you. You're not one to let your emotions be stirred too easily,…

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Pisces: Hidden enemies may lead you astray. When you're meeting others, be wary of those who insist that they have your…

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