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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: You are quite aware of what must shift in your relationships to help you feel fully connected. You'll likely want…

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Taurus: Being a valued member of your community is great, but feeling like you are someone's special person is what pulls…

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Gemini: It is not your achievements that make you worthy. Rather, it is the spirit of love which you embody. You have…

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Cancer: Choose your words carefully and mindfully. Make sure they reflect your true meaning. When sharing your insights…

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Leo: Sourcing your self-worth from within will actually foster more intimate connections. You can only go as far with…

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Virgo: Your relationships will ask you to surrender in areas where you may have become too rigid. The trick is to discern…

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Libra: Even the most out of this world connection must be grounded in reality. This is precisely the benefit of a sincere…

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Scorpio: Conforming to social norms could put the kibosh on some spicier fantasies rolling around your noggin. Your desires…

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Sagittarius: Some career limitations may have you questioning your lovability. When the world at large gets too critical, it's…

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Capricorn: Words prove elusive as you attempt to articulate your big vision for the future of a connection. You could have…

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Aquarius: Digging into shadow material is part of deep intimate connections, whether you like it or not. Stuff inevitably…

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Pisces: It's hard to really lose yourself and let go, especially if you don't really know whether you'll be caught. Like…

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