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Aries: Your desire for self-expression may come with a price tag. Mercury is in your innovative 5th house, so your mind…

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Taurus: Stepping outside your comfort zone is likely less intimidating than usual. With Mercury in your delicate 4th house…

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Gemini: Everyone is sending curveballs your way, Gemini! Your ruler Mercury is bouncing through your busy 3rd house, so…

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Cancer: Well-meaning pals can distract you from your most responsible urges. Mercury is in your 2nd House of Financial…

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Leo: The professional playing field isn't very level today. You're thinking at top capacity while messenger Mercury…

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Virgo: Reality is for anyone but you right now, Virgo. Your ruler Mercury is sliding through your dreamy 12th house,…

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Libra: Your social battery is all over the place today. Your soul may yearn to frolic with your friends while Mercury…

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Scorpio: It's easy to get thrown off course, no matter how focused you are. You certainly have your game face on with Mercury…

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Sagittarius: What you want to do and what you have to do are two different things. You're drawn to ponder the big picture possibilities…

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Capricorn: There is a dramatic flair to the day. You're in an intense frame of mind while Mercury moves through your secretive…

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Aquarius: Family obligations may stand in the way of other activities. Teaming up with friends is a great idea as Mercury…

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Pisces: Don't be shocked if there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the day. Mercury is in your 6th House of Effort, so…

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