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Aries: Sometimes healing is easier when you don't try to manage it all by yourself. The Moon is in your relationship…

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Taurus: At present, work might be a distraction from things you'd rather ignore. You're plugged into the tasks at hand…

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Gemini: Be wary of the urge to create drama. The Moon is in your 5th House of Fun, making your pleasure your top priority,…

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Cancer: This is no time to shirk your duties. It's understandable if you'd prefer to stay in bed or curl up on the couch…

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Leo: Gossip and light-hearted chatting can only carry so much weight. It's easy to lean into the casual side of life…

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Virgo: Someone might call in a favor today. You're focused on mundane matters while the Moon is in your 2nd House of…

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Libra: Avoid expecting a lot from anyone right now. With the Moon attuned to your intuitive sign, you understand your…

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Scorpio: You can only put off your responsibilities for so long. You'd likely prefer to chill out and go with the flow…

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Sagittarius: Following the herd isn't necessarily bad -- especially at this moment. An opposition between the Moon in your…

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Capricorn: Your emotions are stronger than you might realize. There is a tense opposition between the Moon in your career-oriented…

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Aquarius: Potential adventures are sitting on ice today. No matter how loudly the horizon calls your name, you'll have to…

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Pisces: Money matters may prove a touch complicated. The Moon in your 8th House of Big Money is opposing Chiron in your…

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