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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Your emotions and your productivity are more aligned than you might realize. There is a beneficial sextile overhead…

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Taurus: All sorts of fun interactions are on offer at present! Mercury in your 5th House of Delight is sextiling Mars…

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Gemini: A current domestic matter could turn out to be a financial one as well. Fortunately, this will likely be a positive…

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Cancer: Your energy is at an all-time high! Mercury in your verbose 3rd house is sextiling fiery Mars in your sign, strengthening…

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Leo: Sometimes it's best to work behind the scenes. This is one of those times, as Mercury in your productive 2nd house…

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Virgo: Everyone wants a piece of you today. There is a fabulous alignment between Mercury in your focused sign and Mars…

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Libra: Epiphanies and magical thinking abound! Mercury in your 12th House of the Subconscious is collaborating with motivator…

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Scorpio: Working together is a terrific way to expand your horizons. Thanks to a special sextile between Mercury in your…

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Sagittarius: Conversations can lead to major windfalls. Mercury in your career sector is zoning in on what you want and what…

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Capricorn: One specific person can help you see the world in a whole new fashion. Messenger Mercury is flying through your…

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Aquarius: Today may be a little intense, but that doesn't mean it will be difficult. A positive angle between Mercury in…

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Pisces: Open communication can lead to a truly lovely day. You're potentially in the mood to partner up while energetic…

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