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Aries: Pause before you hit send. There is a strong chance of saying something that can't be unsaid today, and you may…

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Taurus: You might be worried about a decision that you were once sure of. The security that you felt has possibly weakened,…

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Gemini: You might not be able to avoid the spotlight today. Some days, it's great to have all the focus on you, while…

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Cancer: Intense emotions can't be kept under wraps for much longer. While you might be filled with burning passion, deep…

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Leo: You can be the loudest cheerleader for someone that you admire. There may be a loved one of yours that you're…

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Virgo: Social connections can support both business goals and your overall reputation. Networking is more supported at…

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Libra: It's time to shed your old skin. You might have presented yourself as someone else in the past, authentically…

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Scorpio: Breaking free from the current expectations of others can minimize possible chaos. You may find yourself trying…

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Sagittarius: You and someone else might be lifting each other up while the other is down. Something disappointing or frustrating…

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Capricorn: The right routine can prevent you from getting lost in any ongoing chaos. When you make a to-do list, check it…

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Aquarius: Taking a chance that doesn't pay off isn't the end of the world. It's important to remember that you are not the…

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Pisces: Someone may need to have a heart-to-heart with you. This person could be a family member or a close friend --…

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