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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Expressing yourself could be a complicated prospect at this moment. Maybe you're afraid that you'll be judged…

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Taurus: You may now feel like society is frowning on the way you run your home or family life. Although you might tend…

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Gemini: Power struggles could get in the way of an honest conversation. If a statement of yours lands poorly, you may…

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Cancer: You may have an exceptionally clear view of the trade-offs in your life at the moment. Although you might crave…

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Leo: Someone you're closely involved with might not like the new you these days. While the candid Moon transits your…

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Virgo: You might currently crave some time alone to do your own thing. Unfortunately, you may have already agreed to…

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Libra: Choosing between work and your social life could be a challenge. Feelings of scarcity in either direction have…

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Scorpio: Making a big push toward your goals is possible now. Still, you may be acutely aware that this effort is taking…

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Sagittarius: Exploring a unique belief system could be tempting at present. However, you may be apprehensive because it takes…

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Capricorn: You may currently be interested in getting to know someone better. When it comes time to open your mouth, however,…

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Aquarius: A companion may pressure you to spend more money than you're comfortable with today. Perhaps a really cool idea…

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Pisces: Throwing yourself into your responsibilities could take your mind off more difficult issues at this time. Maybe…

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