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Aries: The more open you are with others, the better your day can get. There is a big emphasis on leading with an open…

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Taurus: This can be a rather pleasant day -- if you don't get lost in the details. Venus in your 6th House of Self-Discipline…

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Gemini: There are many different opinions at play today. You have every reason to do as you please while pleasure-loving…

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Cancer: Your duties cannot be easily ignored. It's perfectly fair if you'd rather spend the day puttering around while…

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Leo: The world is looming rather large right now. You've got plenty of enjoyable things to tend to while Venus tours…

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Virgo: It's a good idea to share your bounty when you can. This is just such a time as Venus in your deluxe 2nd house…

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Libra: A little bit of kindness can go a long way. You're at your best while Venus is in your good-natured sign, but…

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Scorpio: A gentle touch can keep an ongoing situation from spiraling out of control. It's easy to flit through the world…

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Sagittarius: This is a day for enjoying yourself. Everyone wants a piece of you while Venus is in your social 11th house, boosting…

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Capricorn: You deserve to be recognized for your efforts. Fortunately, under today's opposition between Venus in your reputation…

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Aquarius: Your limitations aren't nearly as permanent as they might look at first. Venus in your boundless 9th house broadens…

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Pisces: It's natural to feel insecure sometimes. Right now, you might find yourself wallowing in the notion that you don't…

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