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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: A little self-expression can do wonders. The Moon is bounding through your excitable 5th house, making this the…

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Taurus: It's the perfect moment to let something go. You may be a bit more prone to sitting in your feelings while the…

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Gemini: It's important to connect with others at the moment. You're in a chatty frame of mind while the Moon moves through…

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Cancer: Professional breakthroughs are possible when you're willing to try. A positive trine between the Moon in your…

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Leo: It's time to look beyond your day-to-day boundaries. The Moon is in your expressive sign, putting you in touch…

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Virgo: Take your hands off the steering wheel, Virgo. You're prone to calling the shots as often as possible, but the…

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Libra: One person could stand out from the herd today. It's the perfect moment to go socialize while the Moon tours your…

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Scorpio: Sometimes in order to achieve something big, you must first do something small. Today is all about getting organized…

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Sagittarius: Dive into life and swim around a bit! There has rarely been a better day to enjoy yourself as the Moon in your…

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Capricorn: Your emotions are meant to be felt, not ignored. Of course, there isn't much of a chance that you'll be able to…

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Aquarius: Someone has something to tell you! A special trine between the Moon in your relationship sector and Chiron in…

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Pisces: There's no need to overthink everything. The Moon in your 6th House of Improvement is making a harmonious trine…

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