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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: You have some negotiating to do. The Sun and Mercury are coming together for a special conjunction in your 7th…

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Taurus: Get ready to get going! It's a lively day as the Sun in your 6th House of Effort conjoins hyperactive Mercury,…

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Gemini: This is not the time to hide your light -- not that the option is even on the table. You've got an undeniable…

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Cancer: It won't be a quiet day at your place. The Sun and chatty Mercury are conjoining in your domestic 4th house, bringing…

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Leo: Keeping quiet isn't an option on a day like this. The Sun and Mercury are coming together at the same degree of…

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Virgo: It's a good day to clarify your financial state. The Sun is coming together with your sign's ruler, clever Mercury,…

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Libra: This is no time to silence yourself. You've got a lot of ideas bubbling up within you, waiting to be expressed…

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Scorpio: You may feel almost psychic at the moment. You can receive messages from right out of the blue as the primal Sun…

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Sagittarius: Your social circles could use a check-in. There is an emphasis on communicating and working together as the Sun…

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Capricorn: You can cross the finish line if you sprint! The Sun is in your authoritative 10th house, giving you an extra…

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Aquarius: It's a good day to grow. Expansion is emphasized as the Sun and mental Mercury align in your high-minded 9th house,…

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Pisces: Difficult problems may present themselves to you without warning, but that doesn't mean you can't triumph over…

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