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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Expressing yourself may require more thought than you expected. You're possibly happy to put yourself out there…

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Taurus: It only takes one person to make you feel heard. A square between the Moon in your emotional sector and Venus…

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Gemini: Everything is moving along to your benefit today! You're tapped into a positive flow as the Moon swims through…

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Cancer: Lovely distractions are around every corner. You may want to roll up your sleeves and get to work while the Moon…

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Leo: Your interior world is remarkably rich. You're quite in tune with yourself as the Moon waltzes through your sign.…

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Virgo: It's alright to float along like a balloon for a bit. Few things can keep you down with Luna turning through your…

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Libra: It may be difficult to deny yourself, or anyone else, anything right now. The Moon is reaching out from your charitable…

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Scorpio: You can come off especially well today -- maybe even with minimal effort. Thanks to a forceful angle between the…

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Sagittarius: Magical realms are beckoning you. It's likely tempting to fly off over the rainbow or step through a magical wardrobe…

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Capricorn: Just because people want your attention doesn't mean you're willing to give it. Today, however, you may find yourself…

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Aquarius: People want to see the best in you. The Moon in your relationship sector is reaching out to arrange a powerful…

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Pisces: A delicious scent is hanging in the air, pulling you away from more mundane matters. The Moon in your responsible…

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