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Aries: Two heads are better than one. This is true much of the time, but never as much as now, as Mercury jogs into your…

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Taurus: A little critical thinking can yield amazingly positive results. With quick-witted Mercury bouncing into your…

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Gemini: Look on the bright side of life! The universe is plating up an extra serving of positivity as your ruler Mercury…

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Cancer: Cancer Central may be a bit busier than usual for the foreseeable future. Wordy Mercury is entering your domestic…

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Leo: Take your seat on the merry-go-round of life. You may indeed feel like you're going around in social circles as…

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Virgo: It's time to get down to basics. Your ruler Mercury is moving into your 2nd House of Material Wealth, helping…

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Libra: Put your thinking cap on, Libra. Your mind is about to start moving at the speed of light as messenger Mercury…

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Scorpio: You can close up shop for a bit. Your mind is moving off to fantastical territory as Mercury enters your 12th…

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Sagittarius: Your social calendar is about to get quite a bit busier! Mercury is entering your 11th House of Social Networks,…

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Capricorn: It won't hurt to formulate a new strategy -- or two! Cosmic communicator Mercury is entering your ambitious 10th…

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Aquarius: Let your mind expand. Jump into the air and let Mercury be the updraft carrying you skyward as it breezes into…

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Pisces: Your mind can be a weapon -- if you wield it as such. Your tongue is razor sharp as Mercury arrives in your intense…

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