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Aries: Look inward for solutions, rather than seeking them from the outer world. Saturn is turning retrograde in your…

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Taurus: Team Taurus could use a bit of a training session. People in your orbit shouldn't get to be there just because…

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Gemini: Your ambitions grow and change with age, just like you do. It's time to get a clearer idea of where you're going…

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Cancer: Two steps forward, one step back. That's how life may feel for the foreseeable future as Saturn turns retrograde…

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Leo: Don't bite off more than you can chew! There's an emphasis on knowing both your limits and those of others as…

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Virgo: True equality isn't something that happens easily. If you want your relationships to exist on a level playing…

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Libra: You can function like a well-oiled machine if you try, but that still requires effort. Fortunately, you can take…

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Scorpio: How you experience joy changes with age. You're going through such a change as Saturn begins a retrograde cycle…

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Sagittarius: Feeling "at home" sometimes requires an investment of effort. It's time to look around your space and make sure…

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Capricorn: Your words can be a tool as easily as they can be a weapon. The distinction is all in how you wield them. You're…

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Aquarius: You can make as much money as you like, but it doesn't matter very much if you don't find any satisfaction in…

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Pisces: Becoming the best version of yourself isn't a simple and easy project. It takes time to grow and evolve, but you're…

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