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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: You're going within to learn about whatever's holding you back. This moment is meant for soul-searching, and the…

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Taurus: Someone in your circle may no longer be in alignment with you. No matter how much you care about this person deeply…

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Gemini: You're rethinking what it means to be approved of. With your focus tugged toward your career or reputation at…

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Cancer: Jumping to conclusions will do you no favors. You could be struggling with trusting others or leaving your comfort…

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Leo: You might be learning lessons that are very personal -- lessons that other people may not know about you. You…

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Virgo: You might be able to assist someone struggling with a negative mindset by simply showing them yours. You may not…

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Libra: Amazing things can happen when you get things in order. You may have been trying to play life by ear and work…

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Scorpio: You can focus on what's possible -- without worrying about what everybody else thinks. You might have been dreaming…

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Sagittarius: You're beginning to see which traditions you want to take into the future -- and which you ought to leave in the…

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Capricorn: You might be gathering information from many different people with charitable intentions! This could be because…

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Aquarius: You've got a sharp eye and a keen sense of perception right now. Your knowledge of who you are and your ability…

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Pisces: Your current path in life may look a little hazy. Even if you intuitively grasp your deepest emotions, when it…

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