The Moon in Leo: Big-hearted, Loyal, Natural Born Leader
Apr 5, 2025 – Apr 8, 2025
Before we get into details about the Moon in Leo, let’s first learn more about the Moon itself. In Astrology, the Moon is considered a planet -- the fastest moving one at that! Because it moves so quickly, it passes through each of the zodiac signs every month.
When the Moon is in Leo
Regardless of what your Moon sign is, a couple days each month we all feel the influence of the Leo Moon. When the Moon is moving through Leo, regardless of how you normally feel, you will have a stronger desire to let others how you feel. You’ll be more apt to tell people that you love them, or express your appreciation for them. This might also be a time when there’s a strong urge to turn the romance and passion in your life up a notch.
Because Leo craves attention and adoration, a Leo Moon could leave you feeling more insecure than usual which could lead to a dramatic flare-up if your needs aren’t met. If you are a bit more sensitive and vulnerable during this transit, ask those around you for the reassurance you crave.
Leo is a sign of ideas and a sign of expressing yourself. You’ll be inclined to pursue an artistic outlet such as dance or theater, or a business endeavor of some kind. It could also be a time of getting out and socializing so that you can "perform" for others. After all, all the world’s a stage during the Moon in Leo!
New Moon in Leo
During the mid-summer, when the Sun is in the sign of Leo, we have what is called a Leo New Moon. This is a very special time because New Moons are all about new growth and the beginning of new cycles. The Leo New Moon is concerned with self-expression, and showing what’s in your heart. So, this is when you’re beginning a relationship with a person, an idea, or a goal. You want to open your heart, and make your deepest desires become everything in your life. This is a great time to ask yourself if you’ve truly been doing the things that make you feel the most fulfilled.
Full Moon in Leo
Six months later, the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius which means we have a Leo Full Moon. Aquarius is very cold, and very distant from the heat of the Sun. The Full Moon in Leo brings a good balance to the depersonalized energy of the Aquarius sign. This transit reminds you that it’s okay to feel what’s in your heart, and to bring that out into the world. Full Moons are culminations so this is a great time to look at the seeds you planted during the New Moon and see if they’ve come to fruition.
If you were born with the Moon in Leo
Most of us already know about our Sun sign which represents the person we show to the world. If the Sun is our outer personality, then the Moon is our inner personality -- our emotions, and the things we need to feel comfortable and secure. It’s important to know your Moon sign because it reflects your emotional being, and it’s the energy you hold on to throughout your life. It can also give us insight into our moon sign compatibility in our romantic relationships.
Leo is a Fire sign, and like the mid-summer Sun, it gives light and warmth to everything it shines down on. Fiercely loyal, this is the sign of intention and following through. This is true at work, in friendships, and especially in matters of the heart. A Leo in love is a dedicated partner, and will have no problem letting their significant other -- and the world -- know how they feel. But just as they give to others, Leos expect the same admiration and devotion in return.
Leos are kids at heart! This sign is known for its playful and almost childlike nature, making them a true joy to be around. They’re also one of the most optimistic signs, and look at the bright side no matter what kind of curveball life throws at them.
Don’t mistake Leo’s pride with self-centeredness -- they are anything but! Arguably the most generous of all the zodiac signs, this Lion would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. They’re also extremely helpful, making them an excellent person to turn to for advice or in a time of need.
Leo Moon Sign Traits:
- Generous
- Passionate
- Energetic
- Optimistic
- Headstrong
- Confident
- Independent
- Ambitious
- Showy