Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn in Sagittarius: Philosophical, Ethical, and Independent

Feb 21, 2044 – Mar 25, 2044

By Staff

At first glance, you might think that Saturn and the zodiac sign Sagittarius are polar opposites. Saturn is all about restriction and limitation. Sagittarius is a sign naturally ruled by exuberant Jupiter and is filled with faith and optimism. Saturn sees the glass as half empty, but Sagittarius reminds us that the glass is also half full. What happens when these two come together? Something incredible.

The thing about Saturn and Sagittarius is that they actually do have a few things in common. They are both extremely committed to ethics. Saturn plays by the traditional rule book, but Sagittarius plays by whatever he believes at his core is right. Together, Saturn in Sagittarius has an amazing capacity to review current principles. He’ll ensure that a moral review is conducted and that any failure to be honorable is corrected.

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When Saturn is in Sagittarius

During Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius, Saturn will help us answer the all-important question: What do we believe in? During this stretch of time, we’ll endure a certain kind of pressure to define our moral compass in a certain area of our lives (depending on what house Saturn is transiting for each of us). Ultimately, we can emerge from this transit having built up a solid and enduring belief system relating to that part of our lives.

At the same time, Saturn in Sagittarius creates a cosmic pause that allows us to consider areas of law, race, culture, religion, education, spirituality, and philosophy with greater sobriety. Outmoded principles concerning these areas that are too weak to survive might fall away. In certain cases, that could be a very good thing.

Jupiter -- Sagittarius’ ruler -- is the planet of excess, and Saturn is the planet of restriction. If we’ve been going overboard in any areas of our lives, Saturn’s time in Sagittarius will be bring this out into the open, giving us a much-needed reality check that helps us find a happy medium.

Because Sagittarius rules higher education and travel, this transit could encourage us to learn a new language, take classes or pursue a degree, or even move abroad. Because Saturn is career-oriented, his time in Sagittarius might mean exploring new professional avenues that involve teaching, spiritual advising, or tourism.

Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius

Saturn’s backspin through any sign signals a time of reflection, a time when we revisit our plans and structures to see if what we’ve created can stand the test of time. When Saturn retrogrades in philosophical Sagittarius, our beliefs may be challenged, helping us become clearer about what’s helping us grow and what’s holding us back.

Are we sticking to our ideologies because we truly believe in them, or are we afraid of stepping into a new way of thinking? Have our judgments of others and the world around us isolated us? Have our judgments about ourselves as individuals had a negative impact on us? These are the things Saturn wants us to consider, so we have the wisdom to align our thought patterns with our authentic selves.

If you were born with Saturn in Sagittarius

As someone with their Saturn in Sagittarius, you are in constant pursuit of ways to build up your library of knowledge -- but this doesn’t mean you’re someone who flits from one area of study to the next. No, you want to put your energy into something until you’ve mastered it.

The downside to this dogged approach to education? You may forget to stop and smell the roses once in a while. Your intense focus and desire for proficiency can be a good thing, so long as you temper it with moments of simply experiencing the world around you.

The upside to your ability to become a subject matter expert? You are willing to share whatever knowledge you have with those around you. This is why you may gravitate towards careers in education, personal coaching, or religious leadership.

You aren’t one to have wishy-washy opinions on anything. You have a solid belief system, and people would be hard-pressed to change your mind on your viewpoints.

Saturn likes rules, and Sagittarius likes freedom. If you feel that authority figures or cultural influences are placing restrictions on you in any way, you may reject them and find your own code to live by. You don’t want to let anyone or anything stunt your ability to broaden your horizons -- or your mind.

Saturn in Sagittarius Traits:

  • Adventurous
  • Focused
  • Conservative
  • Honest
  • Opinionated
  • Intellectual
  • Logical
  • Principled
  • Dogmatic

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