The Meaning of Fire Signs
The energy of the Fire element, and the traits of Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
The element of Fire can't be ignored. Fire gives light and warmth. Without it, there's no chance at life. Fire signs are excitable, vital and enthusiastic. They command attention, whether they realize it or not. Let’s keep it real ... Fire signs know exactly the effect they’re having on the rest of us. They’re lighting up our lives!
What are the Fire signs?
The three Fire signs of the zodiac are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. While they all share the essential nature of the Fire element, they each express it in a slightly different way.
1. Aries (Mar 21 -- Apr 19)
Aries is concerned with the development of a strong ego self. This sign is action-oriented and a natural born leader. As a result, this sign will use its Fire nature in a way that promotes new experiences.
2. Leo (Jul 23 -- Aug 22)
Leo will focus on using its light and fire to sustain warmth and joy. Leo is fun-loving and dramatic, using the flamboyant nature of fire in a way that promotes personal theatrics, gaining respect and recognition.
3. Sagittarius (Nov 22 -- Dec 21)
Sagittarius is a Fire sign that’s eternally seeking the truth in life. This sign will use its Fire energy to bravely assert opinions and ideals and to feed a never-ending supply of optimism and inspiration.
Fire sign traits
Fire signs are known as the ones who bring joy, color, and sass to what would be an otherwise dull world. This is energy that can’t be contained, and rightly so. The Fire element is essential to our basic life force. This is the element that’s focused on the creation of self or personal identity.
The idiom "to light a fire under someone" encapsulates the potency of the Fire element. Nothing gets you moving more than fire. Period. The element of Fire is, without a doubt, the most active, self-motivated, high-spirited, and animated force. If you’re a Fire sign, you’ll never need anyone else to light that fire under you. You’ve got it naturally.
The element of Fire is responsible for courage, confidence, and initiative. Fire has no fear. Quite the contrary, Fire is to be feared. Interestingly enough, the element of Fire is not out to destroy -- although it can, if needed. Fire may be bold, direct, and occasionally reckless or impatient, but it’s not vicious. There’s an innocent, honest quality in the Fire element that yearns to freely express itself, like a child.
When the element of Fire expresses itself in such a way, it can either be endearing or downright irritating -- especially to those who are more sensitive to the feelings of others. Fire isn’t trying to hurt, but it can, sometimes through a bluntly honest remark, a lack of self-control, or its hasty nature, hungry for immediate gratification. Fire gives radiant life, but it can, of course, burn.