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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: There's no need to overthink things. Thanks to an angle between the Sun in your resourceful 6th house and Chiron…

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Taurus: A creative outlet is absolutely necessary. The Sun in your animated 5th house is connecting with Chiron in your…

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Gemini: Friendships without emotional connections are really just surface acquaintances. Fortunately, you can certify…

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Cancer: You can mix casual and capable more easily than usual. There is a rare angle between the Sun in your chatty 3rd…

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Leo: Window shopping will reveal all sorts of cosmic goodies, but they'll each have a unique cost. Watch out for painful…

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Virgo: This isn't a day for selling yourself short. The Sun is currently visiting your sign, making this one of the most…

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Libra: People may prove unreliable or unreadable to you at this time. It's a little too easy to miss the forest for the…

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Scorpio: Finding time for both work and play is not going to be easily done, no matter how hard you try. There is an odd…

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Sagittarius: There's nothing to be gained from making yourself smaller. You're in one of your most productive times of the…

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Capricorn: The world is chock full of possibilities, but they may not be particularly accessible at the moment. Thanks to…

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Aquarius: No one seems to be on the same page, no matter how hard you try to get there. Focusing on the serious side of…

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Pisces: Mundane matters are demanding your attention, for better or for worse. An awkward angle between the Sun in your…

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