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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Reality and fantasy are at odds more than usual. The Sun in your 6th House of Productivity is priming you to be…

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Taurus: Everyone wants to have fun, but not everyone will want to do it the same way as you. You're very happy to chase…

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Gemini: Being deep in your emotions doesn't excuse you from your responsibilities. Even though it's easier to focus on…

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Cancer: Your limitations are looming larger than normal. It makes perfect sense that you'd like to bounce around and see…

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Leo: Today may leave you feeling rather crunched. The Sun is currently moving through your income sector, highlighting…

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Virgo: Someone may prove a bigger roadblock than you were anticipating. You're in your element while the Sun tours your…

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Libra: Dreamlands may call your name, but that doesn't mean you can abandon everything in pursuit of them. It's dangerously…

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Scorpio: Your individuality could be at odds with a more communal spirit. While the Sun in your networking zone reminds…

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Sagittarius: No matter how high you climb at present, your feet keep getting pulled down to terra firma. There is a potent…

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Capricorn: Life is full of potholes today. Even if you're raring to go off on a great adventure with the Sun as your adventuring…

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Aquarius: Everything could seem rather serious right now. It's understandable that you're feeling a bit tense while the…

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Pisces: It's perfectly alright if you don't feel like being your most positive self. Other people are taking precedence…

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